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Kirjoittaja Aihe: World Cup 2006 - ‘OnTheBall ’ statistics  (Luettu 2656 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FC Lahti

: 07.07.2006 klo 10:07:15

Kiinnostavaa statistiikkaa, vaikkei olekaan mitenkään tieteellisen tarkkaa ja objektiivista.


A new way of looking at the World Cup!

When discussing the World Cup with friends you rarely talk about the number of fouls or goals...
You’re more likely to say:

    * “Did you see that dive?”;
    * “…only three of them knew their national anthem!”;
    * and “…always feigning injury!”

We are therefore tracking statistics such as:
Dives, fake injuries, tantrums thrown, wrong off-side decisions, complete miss-kicks (air balls), players not knowing their national anthem...

Open our 'OnTheBall' Active Report to analyse the results yourself and gain real insight into the World Cup!

All statistics are based on the personal opinion of our football analyst based on viewing televised footage and the information is provided on an ‘AS IS’ basis. Information Builders does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information and, or content, contained on, distributed through, linked, downloaded or accessed from this site. You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any Materials shall be at your sole risk.
Tilanteen Herra

Paikalla Paikalla

Suosikkijoukkue: Seinäjoen Sisu, Ilves ja Manchester United

Vastaus #1 : 08.07.2006 klo 09:33:58

ylläty en, kun luen italojen sukellelleen ihan omille lukemilleen Punainen
vaik mistä mää tiiän, miten tota luetaan  ::)

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