Aikamoinen urakehitys toteutuessaan, jos ÅIFK-pestin jälkeen haaste on käytännössä vain koventunut jokaisen siirron jälkeen. Hyppy Championship-joukkueen kuvioihin vielä loukkaantumisesta palautumisen jälkeen
Derbyn forumilla kiiteltiin ennakkoon kovia maalilukemia vasta 20-vuotiaaksi kaveriksi. Joku tosin ehti korjata, että "osumat ovat syntyneet Hucknall Townia vastaavalla tasolla pelatessa"... Joku Ruotsin lipulla varustautunut Derbyn kannattaja kertoi suomalaisen jalkapallon tason olevan ehkäpä kuwaitilaista potkupalloa parempaa. Tällaiset kehut me otamme suurta ylpeyttä tuntien ilomielin vastaan. Oli siellä toki myös pari suomalaista mieshuoraa faktojen kanssa... "liian pehmeä Championshipiin, ei sopeutunut Italiaan tai Norjaan, Suomen liigassa osuminen ei paljoa vaadi".
Vähän omilleen raporttien perusteella tuntuu jääneen, mutta tekemisen meininki on ainakin ollut kohdillaan, joskin väkinäistä.
Riski (?) - 5. Looked sharp but tried too hard. We didn't get him involved enough though.
... What I mean by trying too hard is over doing things. Can't blame them as they're there to impress. Mason and Riski were the main culprits for this as I feel they were left with little options upfront other than simple 3-4 yard passes. They should have just played the simple passes, lost the ball too much.
Riski - Didn't have any service to feed off. He looks the kind of player who hangs on the shoulder of the last defender waiting for through balls, he didn't get any of that it's safe to say. He did look lively, some good touches and a few ok efforts.isolated throughout the game though.
If I was Clough, sack Berrera off, give Gjokaj a short deal and have a look at Riski again in training/behind closed doors.
None of the trialists looked worth keeping to me
From what I heard he wasn't rubbish, but hardly a great outing. He was apparently quite isolated. Clough doesn't seem like the sort to bring someone in for a trial only to write them off after a 60 minute outing where they didn't really get a chance due to how the whole team performe
He did ok considering he was playing up front with Berrera(?) who is pretty awful on today's performance. Riski seemed to have a good touch and movement IMO but got no service. I'd like to see him get another game in a decent team.