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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Aki Riihilahti lopettaa  (Luettu 5724 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.

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Suosikkijoukkue: suurseura

Vastaus #50 : 02.02.2012 klo 18:43:38

Todennäköisyydet taitavat olla sen puolella, että Riihilahti nähdään jopa hyvinkin pian korkeissa johtotehtävissä suomalaisen jalkapallon parissa. Tapahtuuko se sitten Veikkausliigan tai Palloliiton tehtävissä, sen aika näyttää. Voi tietysti olla, että Ägä haluaa jatkaa vielä HJK:n leivissä ja viedä sitä kautta kotimaista jalkapalloa eteenpäin. Myöskään poliitikon uraa ei voi täysin poissulkea. Hyvä kansanedustaja Riihilahdesta tulisi varmasti, mutta toivotaan kuitenkin että pysyy jalkapallon parissa.
Eiköhän Ägä nouse yllättävänkin nopeasti liigan tai ennen kaikkea liiton korkeimpiin tehtäviin. Toisin kuin useimmat huippupelaajat Ägä vaikuttaa kaverilta joka halutessaan nousisi tuon tason tehtäviin jopa ilman pelaajataustaa. Lisäksi on vielä HJK taustainen ja ja kaveeraa kokoomuslaisten kanssa niin eiköhän eläkevirkoja löydy muualtakin kuin sonskilta. Taitaa olla futispäättäjien ylimmällä tasolla aika harvassa kaverit joiden taustalta ei löydy joko HJK tai kokoomus.

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #51 : 05.02.2012 klo 20:39:19

Saa nähdä kerääkö nyt joutessaan löysät pois viihde-teollisuuden puoleltakin. Voisin kuvitella että miehellä on persoonansa puolesta kysyntää kaiken maailman Tanssii tähtien kanssa-ohjelmiin. Tai minkälaista tarjousta Maikkari laittaa pöytään jalkapallo-asiantuntijan pestistä.
Vaikka uskottavampaa ja ennenkaikkea toivottavampaa on nuo oikeat hommat suomalaisen jalkapallon parissa.

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #52 : 21.03.2024 klo 13:07:30


Cult hero Riihilahti scored against England in 2001 & is counting down the days until his country face Three Lions again in the Nations league

AKI RIIHILAHTI was the last Finn to score against England and cannot wait to see his country face the Three Lions again.

A Crystal Palace cult hero who once named his pet cat after Gary Lineker, Riihilahti has an extended family and a big fanbase in the UK.

Now 47 and CEO of his nation’s biggest and most successful club, HJK Helsinki, he was 23 when he stunned the Three Lions at Anfield.

He headed Finland in front with a goal which went in off Gary Neville, in a World Cup qualifier in 2001 his side eventually lost to Sven Goran Eriksson’s men.

Later this year the two nations will compete again after being drawn in a Nations League group with Republic of Ireland and Greece.

Riihilahti, who will watch Finland take on Wales in a Euro qualifier tomorrow, said: “I knew I would score that day. I even told my English cousin to bet on it but he forgot!

“Gary Neville tried to claim it as an own goal. I just felt so confident. Like nothing could stop me that day. “I had just been at Crewe for a week and they wanted to sign me, but Palace came in and I signed for them instead before ever visiting their training ground.

“Then we played England and I scored. Going to Palace training afterwards, that was a good start for me.

“They actually ran out of the letter “I” in the club shop without me even playing a game there, because my name has so many “I”’s in it and everyone was buying my shirt. That was quite fun.”

Riihilahti went on to become a fan favourite at Palace, helping them win promotion to the Premier League in 2004.

And he is still a popular figure at Selhurst Park, with Eagles fans even helping him to recent success in Finland’s Strictly Come Dancing. Riihilahti said: “I kept asking them to vote on Twitter. I was probably the worst dancer in the history of the competition but they got me to the semis!”

Everyone knows about England’s Golden Generation but Riihilahti was part of Finland’s.

He said: “We had a lot of players who were doing well in the top five leagues in Europe.

Jari Litmanen, Sami

Hyypia, Mikael Forssell.

“It was called the

Golden Generation.

But we never quite qualified for a major tournament. We were one game away twice.” Since then, a less talented Finland team made history when they reached Euro 2020.

Riihilahti said: “Our team now is renewing itself. It’s the next generation from the one that went to the Euros.

“The expectation for the Nations League is not as high. But it’s not a team anyone should underestimate.

“It has one of the best keepers in the world at the moment in Lukas Hradecky and Teemu Pukki up front.

“Finnish people have grown up watching English football. We don’t watch other leagues so much. When England play in Helsinki it will be a big celebration.”

WONDER GOAL Riihilahti endeared himself to Welsh fans with this shock goal against England at Anfield

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