Pannaan nyt tänne vaikkas..
Montsy lähetti viestiä tulemaan.Kirjoitettu todella huonolla lontoolla joten poistin osan ja laitan vain pääpointit.
"Dear euroflex:
My father is very happy, and the best is that the thuth we were afraid of you,
jajjajaj, you are very great people,We were all surprised,at how fantastic you are
and what educated, even drunk,jajajjaja, you are very good people.
Thank you very much for choosing us.
We,ll try to go in September, we are looking cheap flights,and if we decides to go
and fix it at work.... we,ll contact you, to tell us, wich hotel would be fine for a couple
of days, i would like to meet you again.
It,ll be fantastic!
We would love to go to Helsinki.Ahhhhhhh, the chocolate were very good taste.
You were right, the best chocolate in the world.
Take care, and see you in Helsilki.I hope.
Thanks a lot.
A lot of kisses.