Antwerpeniin olisi saanut mahdollisuuden tutustua De Koninck olutpanimoon pelipäivän aamunpuolella,mutta tullee liian myöhään tuoki info.
"The whole visit will take about 2 hours and consists of:
A welcome by the guide
History, production process and familial structure of our Brewery De Koninck will be explained by a company film.
Guided tour through the buildings and visit of the old and new brew hall.
Tasting 3 Beers of Brewery De Koninck.
The cost of a group visit, with 25 participants, is € 55,00 for the guide and € 3,50 per participant for the tasting.
For example:
A group of 15 participants will pay up to € 107,50 (€ 55,00 guide + € 52,50 tasting)
A group of 25 participants will pay up to € 142,50 (€ 55,00 guide + € 87,50 tasting) "
Siinä olisi ollu kulttuuria kerrakseen ja vielä huippuhyvän oluen merkeissä