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Kirjoittaja Aihe: MM-kisojen erotuomarit valittu!  (Luettu 2748 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
vili bin ali muhammad

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvSk5AhFWrc&index=

: 01.04.2006 klo 10:05:59

Jalkapallon MM-kisojen erotuomarit:

Essam Abd El Fatah (Egypti), Carlos Amarilla (Paraguay), Petteri Kari (Suomi), Benito Archundia (Meksiko), Carlos Batres (Guatemala), Massimo Busacca (Sveitsi), Coffi Codjia (Benin), Frank De Bleeckere (Belgia), Massimo de Santis (Italia), Horacio Elizondo (Argentiina), Valentin Ivanov (Venäjä), Toru Kamikawa (Japani), Jorge Larrionda (Uruguay), Shamsul Maidin (Singapore), Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez (Espanja), Markus Merk (Saksa), Lubos Michel (Slovakia), Graham Poll (Englanti), Eric Poulat (Ranska), Peter Prendergast (Jamaika), Oscar Ruiz (Kolumbia), Mark Shield (Australia), Carlos Simon (Brasilia), Kyros Vassaras (Kreikka)

Missä Pojosen Vesa?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 01.04.2006 klo 22:07:03 kirjoittanut vili bin ali muhammad »

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #1 : 01.04.2006 klo 11:08:29

Luojan kiitos ei Mike Rileya!  ::)

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Life Sucks...And Then You Die! Just Do It...!

Vastaus #2 : 01.04.2006 klo 11:22:39

Väkisin mukana taas muutama Kir Mai Lee :-[
Rähinä Rainer

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #3 : 01.04.2006 klo 15:55:26

Mitäs sarjoja tämä Beninin kaveri on urallaan dumannut?
Pietro Coscelli

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: AS Roma, Arsenal, Bayern München ja HJK

Vastaus #4 : 01.04.2006 klo 18:35:43

Essam Abd El Fatah, jotain tusinapaskaa?
Jorma Teräs

Paikalla Paikalla

Vastaus #5 : 01.04.2006 klo 19:10:52

Onkos tuo Beninin tyyppi se sama kenet studiotiimi Käsivahvan johdolla haukkui täydellisesti jo ennen peliä sillä perusteella että on Beninistä (tai jostain vastaavasta kääpiövaltiosta)?

Huomattavasti paremmin vihelsi sen pelin kuin Mike Riley ikinä.
Ricky Rocket

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Los Búhos Reales

Vastaus #6 : 01.04.2006 klo 19:28:54

Missä vaiheessa muuten selviää kuka tuomaroi minkäkin ottelun??

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: HJK

Vastaus #7 : 01.04.2006 klo 19:32:41

Petteri Kari :Oisin valinnut hänet Suomesta Ylos
Mikko Vuorela :En ikinä  häntä, hän on Suomen yksi  paskimmista dumareista >:(

Haha, ei helvetti.. Petteri Karihan on totaalisen paska tuomari. Tuntuu miehellä olevan vielä jotain kovasti pääkaupunkiseudun joukkueita vastaan, tosin paska se on muutenkin.
Dial Square FC

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #8 : 01.04.2006 klo 22:28:17

Markus Merk  :mad:

Ylireagoiva tuomari pahimmasta päästä.
gary higher

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #9 : 01.04.2006 klo 22:36:59

Miksi tuolla on suomalainen tuomari?
Ave Roy!

Paikalla Paikalla

Vastaus #10 : 02.04.2006 klo 01:58:39

Kari, Kari, RunkKari  Ylos

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Koirat haukkuu, mutta karavaani kulkee

Vastaus #11 : 02.04.2006 klo 09:00:00

Haha, ei helvetti.. Petteri Karihan on totaalisen paska tuomari. Tuntuu miehellä olevan vielä jotain kovasti pääkaupunkiseudun joukkueita vastaan, tosin paska se on muutenkin.
Äläs  nyt hermostu tiedän tiedän että molemmat on ihan  perseestä välillä  itseäkin vituttaa heidän hommansa. :'(Kun ei muuta kun Klubin peleissä molemmat kiusaa heidän kannattajiaan   >:(Se minkä heitin oli  Aprillipila ;D
Pietro Coscelli

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: AS Roma, Arsenal, Bayern München ja HJK

Vastaus #12 : 02.04.2006 klo 12:03:20

Miksi tuolla on suomalainen tuomari?

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: KäPa, Arsenal

Vastaus #13 : 03.04.2006 klo 21:26:59

Polli tahtoo keksin.  :keskari:

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #14 : 05.04.2006 klo 12:38:55

Mitä, eikö Byron Morenoa valittukaan?!  :rolleyes2:

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #15 : 17.04.2006 klo 20:35:46

Miksi tuolla on suomalainen tuomari?
sama..  ???

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Life Sucks...And Then You Die! Just Do It...!

Vastaus #16 : 17.04.2006 klo 20:38:43

sama..  ???

Katto sitä muokkaus päivää, ja mieti kaks kertaa ;)
Ricky Rocket

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Los Búhos Reales

Vastaus #17 : 08.05.2006 klo 21:14:32

Kolme erotuomaria ulos jalkapallon MM-lopputurnauksesta
Julkaistu 08.05.2006 20:39 (päivitetty 20:55)

Kansainvälinen jalkapalloliitto Fifa tiedotti maanantaina, että kolme erotuomaria on hyllytetty kesä-heinäkuussa pelattavasta Saksan MM-lopputurnauksesta kuntotestien perusteella.

Erotuomarit Kyros Vassaras (Kreikka), Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez (Espanja) ja Carlos Batres (Guatemala) eivät läpäisseet Fifan uusia vaatimuksia ja joutuivat ulos turnauksesta.

Batres ei kuntoutunut polvivammastaan ajoissa. Vassaras (kuvassa) sekä Mejuto Gonzalez olivat epäonnisia. Miehet olivat itse kunnossa, mutta osa heidän avustavista tuomareista eivät läpäisseet Fifan järjestämiä kuntotestejä.

Fifa muutti erotuomareiden vaatimuksia tämän vuoden MM-kisoihin. Uuden säännön mukaan koko tuomarikolmikon pitää läpäistä kuntotesti, tai trio joutuu sivuun. MM-lopputurnauksen erotuomarikolmikko tulee samasta maasta.

Batresin korvaa Meksikon Marco Rodriguez, Vassarasin Italian Roberto Rossetti ja Mejuto Gonzalezin tilalla viheltää Luis Medina Cantalejo niin ikään Espanjasta.


Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Jan Walden.

Vastaus #18 : 11.05.2006 klo 15:25:37

Lainaus käyttäjältä: futismaailma.com

MM-tuomari osallisena Juve-sotkussa?

  11.05.2006 13:11

MM-kisoihin nimetty italialainen erotuomari Massimo De Santis on yhdistetty Italiassa laajenevaan skandaaliin. De Santisin epäillään johtaneen tuomariryhmää, joka olisi järjestellyt omalta osaltaan ottelutuloksia Juventuksen eduksi.

Koko Euroopan suurimpiin ja menestyneimpiin seuroihin lukeutuvan Juventuksen näkyvin johtohahmo, Luciano Moggi, on italialaisten tiedotusvälineiden mukaan koko sotkun yksi päätekijöistä.

Saapasmaan viranomaisten tutkimusten kohteena on myös muita Serie A -seuroja kuten Fiorentina, Lazio ja Udinese, mutta niiden osallisuuden muodosta alati leviävään skandaaliin ei ole vielä varmuutta.
Ricky Rocket

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Los Búhos Reales

Vastaus #19 : 03.06.2006 klo 20:13:04

FIFA ilmoittanut dumarit plus ässistäntit 16 ensimmäiseen otteluun..

Tämä mies saa kunnian viheltää kisat käyntiin

Game 1 - Germany vs Costa Rica

Date: 9 June 2006, Munich

Referee: Horacio Elizondo (ARG)

Assistants: Dario García and Rodolfo Otero (ARG)

4th official: Carlos Chandía (CHI)

5th official: Crisitan Julio (CHI)

Game 2 - Poland vs Ecuador

Date: 9 June 2006, Gelsenkirchen

Referee: Toru Kamikawa (JPN)

Assistants: Yoshikazu Hiroshima (JPN) and Kim Dae-Young (KOR)

4th official: Lubos Michel (SVK)

5th official: Roman Slysko (SVK)

Game 3 - England vs Paraguay

Date: 10 June 2006, Frankfurt

Referee: Marco Rodríguez (MEX)

Assistants: José Luis Camargo (MEX) and Leonel Leal (CRC)

4th official: Coffi Codjia (BEN)

5th official: Celestin Ntagungira (RWA)

Game 4 - Trinidad & Tobago vs Sweden

Date: 10 June 2006, Dortmund

Referee: Shamsul Maidin (SIN)

Assistants: Prachya Permpanich (THA) and Eisa Ghuloum (UAE)

4th official: Oscar Ruiz (COL)

5th official: Fernando Tamayo (ECU)

Game 5 - Argentina vs. Côte d'Ivoire

Date: 10 June 2006, Hamburg

Referee: Frank de Bleeckere (BEL)

Assistants: Peter Hermans and Walter Vromans (BEL)

4th official: Eric Poulat (FRA)

5th official: Vincent Texier (FRA)

Game 6 - Serbia & Montenegro vs Netherlands

Date: 11 June 2006, Leipzig

Referee: Markus Merk (GER)

Assistants: Christian Schraer and Jan-Hendrik Salver (GER)

4th official: Mohamed Guezzaz (MAR)

5th official: Brahim Djezzar (ALG)

Game 7 - Mexico vs Iran

Date: 11 June 2006, Nürnberg

Referee: Roberto Rosetti (ITA)

Assistants: Cristiano Copelli and Alessandro Stagnoli (ITA)

4th official: Jerome Damon (RSA)

5th official: Enock Molefe (RSA)

Game 8 - Angola vs Portugal

Date: 11 June 2006, Köln

Referee: Jorge Larrionda (URU)

Assistants: Walter Rial and Pablo Fandino (URU)

4th official: Kevin Stott (USA)

5th official: Chris Strickland (USA)

Game 9 - Italy vs Ghana

Date: 12 June 2006, Hannover

Referee: Carlos Simon (BRA)

Assistants: Aristeu Tavares and Edmilson Corona (BRA)

4th official: Khalil al-Ghamdi (KSA)

5th official: Hamdi al-Kadri (SYR)

Game 10 - USA vs Czech Republic

Date: 12 June 2006, Gelsenkirchen

Referee: Carlos Amarilla (PAR)

Assistants: Amelio Andino and Manuel Bernal (PAR)

4th official: Carlos Chandía (CHI)

5th official: Rodrigo González (CHI)

Game 11 - Brazil vs Croatia

Date: 13 June 2006, Berlin

Referee: Benito Archundía (MEX)

Assistants: José Ramírez (MEX) and Héctor Vergara (CAN)

4th official: Mohamed Guezzaz (MAR)

5th official: Brahim Djezzar (ALG)

Game 12 - Australia vs Japan

Date: 12 June 2006, Kaiserslautern

Referee: Essam Abd el-Fatah (EGY)

Assistants: Dramane Dante (MLI) and Mamadou Ndoye (SEN)

4th official: Eric Poulat (FRA)

5th official: Vincent Texier (FRA)

Game 13 - France vs Switzerland

Date: 13 June 2006, Stuttgart

Referee: Valentin Ivanov (RUS)

Assistants: Nikolay Golubev and Evgeni Volnin (RUS)

4th official: Kevin Stott (USA)

5th official: Gregory Barkey (USA)

Game 14 - Korea Republic vs Togo

Date: 13 June 2006, Frankfurt

Referee: Graham Poll (ENG)

Assistants: Philip Sharp and Glenn Turner (ENG)

4th official: Jerome Damon (RSA)

5th official: Justice Yeboah (GHA)

Game 15 - Spain vs Ukraine

Date: 14 June 2006, Leipzig

Referee: Massimo Busacca (SUI)

Assistants: Francesco Buragina and Matthias Arnet (SUI)

4th official: Roberto Rosetti (ITA)

5th official: Cristiano Copelli (ITA)

Game 16 - Tunisia vs Saudi Arabia

Date: 14 June 2006, Munich

Referee: Mark Shield (AUS)

Assistants: Nathan Gibson and Ben Wilson (AUS)

4th official: Carlos Chandía (CHI)

5th official: Cristian Julio (CHI)
« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.06.2006 klo 20:14:44 kirjoittanut Ricky Rocket »

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #20 : 08.06.2006 klo 19:39:06

Nelosen teksti-tv:n mukaan tuomarit kuittaavat 31 000 euroa kisoista. Ei paskempi korvaus kisoista.
Ricky Rocket

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Los Búhos Reales

Vastaus #21 : 29.06.2006 klo 14:32:29

MM-kisojen puolivälieräottelujen erotuomarit:

30. kesäkuuta:

Saksa - Argentiina
Erotuomari: Lubos Michel (Slovakia)

Italia - Ukraina
Erotuomari: Frank De Bleeckere (Belgia)

1. heinäkuuta:

Englanti - Portugali
Erotuomari: Horacio Elizondo (Argentiina)

Brasilia - Ranska
Erotuomari: Luis Medina Cantalejo (Espanja)

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #22 : 30.06.2006 klo 11:39:36

Graham Poll Sky Sportsin nettisivuston haastattelussa

English referee Graham Poll has decided to retire from officiating at international tournaments after his high-profile blunder at the World Cup.

The official from Tring contrived to show Josip Simunic three yellow cards during Croatia's 2-2 draw with Australia, but failed to send the defender off having produced the second caution.

As a result, he was sent home from the tournament and has now decided to call time on his international career, although he will continue at club level.

"Certainly what happened a week ago is something I deeply regret," he explained in an exclusive interview with Sky Sports News. "I'm really forced into doing this.

"I understand there is a big interest so I've decided I will make one comment, it's purely for Sky Sports.

"Obviously, people will pick up on it and report what they will, but this is it - the only comment I make on TV, radio and newspapers. It's the only comment Graham Poll will be making on World Cup 2006.

"Basically, inexcusably, I made an error in law. Most mistakes are conjecture; most discussion, most controversy surrounds opinion. Was it a penalty or wasn't it? Should it be a goal? Was the ref right to disallow a goal or not? Was a red card correct?

"They're things we can always debate. What I did was an error in law - there can be no dispute. It wasn't caused by a Fifa directive, it wasn't caused by me being asked to referee differently to in the Premier League. The others in my team were absolutely clear, however, the laws in the game are very specific. A referee takes responsibility for actions on the field of play.

"I was referee that evening, it was my error and the buck stops with me.

"It's not carrying the can, it's being honest. I've had a week to reflect. I've had the first two nights completely sleepless, it's been something that has hurt me deeply. It's not about carrying the can, it's about being open and saying to people I got it wrong, I'm sorry and it's time to move on.

"You come in from a high octane match, a match of massive, massive importance and pressure, billed as one of the matches of the group stages. I still believe it turned out to be one of the matches of the World Cup thus far. It was a fantastic game of football. I was happy. One or two things went wrong with the game but nothing major, I was happy with how it went.

"We were unaware of what had happened. Disbelief went around the dressing room when we were made aware of the error. We had to look at the DVD around 11.30 that evening and we realised, for me, that 26 years of hard work of refereeing, working up from park level, it meant my dream was over.

"Firstly, Fifa's reaction has been really, really impressive," he explained. "The head of refereeing came to me immediately and hugged me and said he was disappointed for me, not with me. That's important - it shows there's family here.

"I've had nothing but support from other referees, feeling it could've been any of us. Whatever communication system we have, for some reason, we've had it before and it does happen. What we don't want is it to happen on a big stage and it happened to me.

"Last night, at the farewell dinner, I had a personal call from Sepp Blatter to urge me to continue, not to doubt my ability as one of the best referees in the world. It has to touch you when the president of Fifa, the most powerful man in football, takes trouble to say not you're rubbish, you've let me down, you've ruined the tournament but, basically, nobody died. He said these things, it happens, you're a fantastic referee and I urge you to press on and carry on with your career.

"I've been inundated with messages," said Poll. "Obviously family and friends are going to be behind you . It helped a lot in the first two days because they were a complete living nightmare. I've had calls from Brian Barwick, Richard Scudamore and countless referees and then, when you hear messages from David Beckham, the England captain, actually saying he does know me - we think he's a nice guy as well - he's gone out of his way in the middle of a World Cup, (now win it boys, I would say for them), to take time out it's nice and touching.

"The first thing is disbelief," he recalled. "Shaking your head. I couldn't replay the decisions in my head as I couldn't recall them. I was so fatigued in the 90th minute. I've seen the video and it doesn't look like Graham Poll refereeing. Any supporters, if they watch that last 10 minutes, would say it doesn't look like Graham Poll refereeing. That's true.

"Now I've seen the DVD, it comes back over and over and over again in my mind. I think I'll wake up because it's a bad dream but it's not - it's reality.

"I've been very disappointed, unfortunately not surprised with the reaction of the media, it led me to, in the first few days, having thoughts of retirement. Certainly, I told Fifa I had no heart to referee another game at the World Cup. The decision wasn't needed for them, it wasn't them sending me home. It wasn't them saying you're rubbish, go away. They've supported me fully but it's too soon, too immediate to think about running out on a major, major game for Fifa.

"It was certainly my request [to go home] but I'm not in a position to tell Fifa what to do and what not to do. I stated what I felt, my remorse, and offered any help to the other referees to make sure it doesn't happen again. It wasn't easy but it was done. That to me, is what you can do. If Fifa wanted me to stay, I would've stayed for the remainder of the tournament. They know my place is with my family and friends, and it's time for me to go home, so I'm pleased.

"For the first two or three days, you think about retirement. You think it's all gone wrong and you start to doubt your ability. It probably didn't last too long. 26 years of hard work, hard graft and countless games have gone well. It's the end of my best season ever probably - the 56th match of refereeing - that's all around the world, 18 were overseas. It's been a grinding schedule, but, a week on, I'm encouraged by the support of many, many people.

"I will be back refereeing in the Premier League next season - August 19 we start. Keith Hackett has already organised a meeting for how we go forward. Five weeks of rest now will be good but I need to keep fit, keep in training and be ready for the start of the season but it's time for me to let go of the mistake.

"I reiterate that nobody got hurt from the error. Nobody died - remember football is a game, an important game, the world's game and what I did was a public mistake but it didn't affect qualification or the outcome of the match. It meant a player who shouldn't have been on the field stayed on the field for two or three minutes longer than they should've done. I'm not trying to minimise that error but, because of that, it makes it easier for me to move on.

"It's time to move on, time to let go, certainly not to retire and to come back fit and strong for next season.

"I've had three major championships - Euro 2000, World Cup 2002 and World Cup 2006. None have gone right or worked out for me for various reasons.

"You say in life, if one thing goes wrong, you're unlucky. Two, maybe you're really unlucky. If it's three, you have to look at yourself and say maybe something's not right there.

"I don't enjoy time away from home. It's a difficulty for me as I've got young children. I wouldn't be going to Euro 2008, that decision is taken. It's not a knee-jerk decision, I discussed it with The FA already and it's time for someone else from England to have a go.

"For me, tournament football is over.

"For me, it's time. What I do best is club football, club refereeing. Yes, I've had good international matches but tournament-wise it hasn't worked. You have to be honest with yourself. The pain I've gone through, the agony in Japan, to go through that there and to have it happen again, well I couldn't have it happen again and tournaments, for me, are now finished."

The Tring official is ready to face the flak from supporters up and down the country next season.

"We get stick whatever happens," he reasoned. "If a song has changed then the song changes. I don't know what they will come up with but it'll be witty and,  probably by then, it'll be time to smile about it.

"It still doesn't take away the feeling. I had 30,000 referees in England who voiced their support for me to maybe achieve the ultimate, the first person to do the World Cup final since Jack Taylor in 1974.

"People need a dose of reality. They can all move on, once they've tried to destroy you. Someone said to me maybe one day, you can say, with your grandson on your lap, maybe you could've refereed the World Cup final - and I haven't."

Poll:in pitkälle uralle  Ylos

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