Suosikkijoukkue: Sunderland
Vastaus #1125 : 17.10.2022 klo 17:08:09 |
Massive 3 points mate! 
Vastaus #1126 : 19.10.2022 klo 12:34:17 |
Blackburn Rovers-Sunderland 2-0 (1-0)
Sunderland: Patterson; O’Nien, Batth, Alese (Hume 73’), Cirkin; Evans (Michut 81’), Neil (Ba’ 64’); Roberts, Pritchard (Bennette 64’), Embleton (Amad 64’); Clarke
Subs not used: Bass, Wright
Jonain toisena päivänä olisi voinut mennä toisinkin.
Pallonhallinta, maalintekoyritykset ja laukaisut kohti maalia kaikki vieraille, mutta tulos ei. Yhtään varsinaista ysipaikan pelaajaa ei tällä saatavilla, mutta Ellis Simms on palailemassa harjoituksiin.
Lauantaina SOL:lla Kompanyn Burnley.
Vastaus #1127 : 03.11.2022 klo 12:54:14 |
Huddersfield Town-Sunderland 0-2 (0-0) Pritchard 55' Diallo 90+6'
Sunderland: Patterson; O’Nien, Batth, Wright, Cirkin; Evans (Neil 61’), Embleton (Ba 61’), Amad, Pritchard (Bennette 90’), Roberts (Matete 78’); Dajaku (Simms 45’)
Subs not used: Bass, Hume, Matete, Bennette,
Vastaus #1128 : 07.11.2022 klo 10:52:31 |
Sunderland-Cardiff City 0-1 (0-0)
Sunderland: Patterson; O’Nien, Batth, Wright, Cirkin; Ba (Evans 57’), Neil (Pritchard 57’); Roberts (Bennette 67’), Amad, Clarke; Simms (Embleton 72’)
Subs: Bass, Matete, Hume
Jack the Ripper
Suosikkijoukkue: IF Gnistan, sympatiat AFCW, SAFC
Vastaus #1129 : 07.11.2022 klo 12:36:24 |
Alkaiskohan se Stewart olla mm-tauon jälkeen taas pelikunnossa?
Vastaus #1130 : 07.11.2022 klo 14:45:49 |
Alkaiskohan se Stewart olla mm-tauon jälkeen taas pelikunnossa?
Täytyy rehellisesti myöntää, että nyt en muista mikä oli toipumisen ennakoitu aikataulu. Ilmeisesti viime viikolla oli harjoituskentällä, mutta erillään muusta joukkueesta, fyssareiden kanssa. Simms onneksi saatu takaisin ja pääsi lauantaina jo aloittamaankin.
Vastaus #1131 : 08.11.2022 klo 08:40:46 |
Seuran johto oli eilen Red and White Army, kannattajaryhmittymän tentattavana. Tässä koostetta.
On current situation and progress:
Kyril Louis-Dreyfus: “It’s important to remember where the club has been in recent past. There are huge things to do before I consider it to be ready for the Premier League.”
David Jones: “This football club is chalk and cheese from what it was two years ago. In every area there is professionalism. There just wasn’t before.”
On recruitment and strategy:
Kristjaan Speakman: “Strategically we’re trying to build the squad over three or four transfer windows. We’re trying to build year on year. That’s why we’ve got so many young players and a few old players. We’re trying to maintain that balance.”
KLD: “Squad value is higher than it was six months ago. Six months ago it was higher than twelve months ago. Hopefully it’s even higher in six months time.
“Categorically, we only recruit if there is a strong willingness to come to Sunderland and move to the area. We’ve stopped signing players who you have to overpay and convince to come here”
“Look at Derby County. They were in the playoff final, 90 mins away from the Premier League and 18 months later they’re in administration. That’s a risk none of us are willing to take. Bayern Munich and the German clubs in general are an inspiration in terms of how they’re ran.”
DJ (referencing Brentford and the “Moneyball” method of running a football club): “They made profit. Nobody makes profit in the Championship. They got promoted and made profit. I don’t think it’s time (to sell star players) just yet. But that time is fast approaching. You have to sell players to convince players to come to you.”
KS: “Every club in the world sells players in some shape or form. Over the last years Sunderland haven’t had players of value to sell. We signed Callum Doyle to show clubs that we’re willing to start a 17-18 year old if they’re good enough.”
DJ: “Stuart Harvey is an absolute diamond of a bloke, and I look forward to having a conversation about which little Costa Rican he’s going to bring to the club next!”
On home form:
KS: “Me and Kyril have been speaking about this for a few weeks. None of us are happy with the home form. We have a young squad and we need to maintain a really good level of support for them. It’s the first time a lot of them have came up against this scrutiny. Hopefully their quality shines through and the SoL can become a fortress.”
DJ: “Don’t think we’re sitting here thinking everything is okay. We’re asking challenging questions of each other and none of us think the home form is okay.”
Steve Davison: “I think it would be better atmosphere if the away fans were moved back to the lower bowl”
On striker situation:
KS: “We wanted two dynamic, strong strikers in Ross and Ellis. Our variety in that position was Leon (Dajaku) and Amad. Tony has been right at the forefront of ‘right, how do we solve this problem’ of no strikers.
“If our analysis says that a free agent number 9 won’t be good enough, and will knock another player out of the squad, then why would we do it? Jack Clarke was a player we signed in L1 because he played a lot of his games for Spurs under-23s as a number nine.”
KLD: “It’s up to us to not feel sorry for ourselves and try and find solutions.”
On Alex Neil:
KLD: “Multiple offers were made (to Alex Neil). A new contract was signed ten days before it happened. We didn’t go just to the limits, we went over the limits to retain him. We don’t know what Stoke offered. But we offered one of the biggest wages in the Championship. Clearly something inside him attracted him to Stoke more than Sunderland.”
KS: “I interviewed Alex on three occasions. He was happy with the model.”
On Ross Stewart:
KLD: “We are having ongoing conversations and we all hope he will stay at Sunderland. We have to plan for all eventualities and make sure we know what we’re doing.
"Plan A is to keep him. We would only consider selling someone if we had confidence we could replace him with someone better.”
On Juan Sartori:
KLD: “He is a very busy man with his political career. He’s not really involved in the day-to-day basis but he’s been supportive with almost everything we’ve done. I’ve seen him more as an asset than a problem.
If you look at Monaco where he’s been involved before, they’re one of the biggest clubs in Europe. We’ve got the synergy between these two clubs to exploit. And he’s a local politician in Uruguay, we can utilise those links.”
Suosikkijoukkue: Chelsea, Sunderland
Vastaus #1132 : 12.11.2022 klo 12:56:16 |
Vähän mennään fifty-fifty mentaalilla. Jos näin jatkuu niin sarjapaikka pitäisi olla varma.
Vastaus #1133 : 14.11.2022 klo 09:04:30 |
Birmingham City-Sunderland 1-2 (0-1) Simms 25' Diallo 49'
Sunderland: Patterson; Hume, Batth, Wright, Huggins; Evans, Neil; Amad (Roberts 65’), Pritchard (Matete 85’), Clarke; Simms (Embleton 85’)
Substitutes: Bass, Ba, Bennette, Johnson
Suht tasapainoisella esityksellä kolme pistettä ST Andrewsilta.
Amad Diallo alkaa koko ajan vaikuttamaan paremmalta ja paremmalta hankinnalta. Alustus Simmsin maalin ja upea viimeistely toiseen osumaan.
Jack the Ripper
Suosikkijoukkue: IF Gnistan, sympatiat AFCW, SAFC
Vastaus #1134 : 03.12.2022 klo 19:57:07 |
Varsin jämäkkä paluu tauolta - Mustat Kissat kehrää Millwallin kustannuksella otetun 3-0 voiton jälkeen. Ensimmäinen puoliaika oli aika hakemista vielä ja pitkälti mentiin vieraiden hallitessa peliä. Oli Mowbray jakson lopulla niin tyytymättömän näköinen, että noinkohan on pitänyt palopuheen tauolla, sillä toinen puoliaika olikin sitten ihan isäntien näytöstä. Pallo liikkui hienosti ja maalipaikoissa oli kiitettävää kliinisyyttä.
Kovasti lädiselostaja spekuloi Amad Diallon paluulla lainalta takaisin ManUn riveihin. Olisi paha menetys Sunderlandille. Saa nähdä mitä tammikuun siirtoikkuna tuo tullessaan...
Vastaus #1135 : 05.12.2022 klo 11:15:08 |
Varsin jämäkkä paluu tauolta - Mustat Kissat kehrää Millwallin kustannuksella otetun 3-0 voiton jälkeen. Ensimmäinen puoliaika oli aika hakemista vielä ja pitkälti mentiin vieraiden hallitessa peliä. Oli Mowbray jakson lopulla niin tyytymättömän näköinen, että noinkohan on pitänyt palopuheen tauolla, sillä toinen puoliaika olikin sitten ihan isäntien näytöstä. Pallo liikkui hienosti ja maalipaikoissa oli kiitettävää kliinisyyttä.
Kovasti lädiselostaja spekuloi Amad Diallon paluulla lainalta takaisin ManUn riveihin. Olisi paha menetys Sunderlandille. Saa nähdä mitä tammikuun siirtoikkuna tuo tullessaan...
Ensimmäisen puoliajan perusteella ei tosiaan olisi uskaltanut veikata leveää kotivoittoa. Hyvä tekeminen jokaisella kolmanneksella toisella puoliajalla ja ansaittu voitto. Pritchard jälleen kerran isossa roolissa, myös tehojen muodossa. Diallon sopimuksessa on pykälä, jonka mukaan United voi kutsua hänet tammikuussa takaisin. Tästä syystä media on napannut tästä kiinni, mutta se ei vielä tarkoita että niin käy.
Vastaus #1136 : 27.12.2022 klo 12:24:35 |
Sunderland-Blackburn Rovers 2-1 (1-1) Stewart 22' Simms 90+1
Sunderland: Patterson, Cirkin (Hume 50), Evans ©, Ballard, Roberts (Simms 80), Gooch (Wright 80), O’Nien, Stewart, Amad, Clarke, Neil.
Subs not used: Bass, Matete, Ba, Michut
Kelpo kalinaa, Tapaninpäivän kunniaksi. Rovers johtoon, jossa epäonnisesti kimmoke kulman jälkitilanteessa Stewartin kautta verkkoon. Rosco kuitenkin kuittasi tilanteen melko nopeasti, hankkimalla kotijoukkueelle pallon täplälle ja upottamalla sen varmasti vasempaan alakulmaan. Toinen puoliaika pelitapahtumiltaan melko tasainen ja yliaikaa pelattu minuutin verran, kun vaihdosta tullut Ellis Simms tuikkaa harhautuksen jälkeen pallon kylmänviileästi alakulmaan ja kotiyleisö mental.
Yleisöä mukavat 44000, joka olikin toiseksi korkein luku Englannissa, mukaanlukien Valioliiga.
Elliot Embleton loukkaantui Hull pelissä ja huilannee useamman kuukauden.
Vastaus #1137 : 02.01.2023 klo 15:18:40 |
Pyhien aikaisista peleistä saalistettu seitsemän pistettä, yhdeksästä mahdollisesta ja siellä on noustu jo kutittelemaan play-off paikkoja.
Sunderland-Blackburn 2-1 (Stewart, Simms) Wigan-Sunderland 1-4 (Simms, Stewart, Diallo, Roberts) Blackpool-Sunderland 1-1 (Stewart)
Ellis Simms harmittavasti kutsuttiin takaisin Goodisonille, onnistuneen lainapestin jälkeen, mutta Mowbrayn mukaan tilanteeseen tullaan reagoimaan tammikuun ikkunan aikana. Ross Stewart tekee väkevää paluuta loukkaantumisen jäljiltä ja miehellä on viimeisestä neljästä ottelusta, yhtä monta osumaa. Maaleja per peliminuutit tilastossa mies on sarjan ykkönen.
Jack the Ripper
Suosikkijoukkue: IF Gnistan, sympatiat AFCW, SAFC
Vastaus #1138 : 07.01.2023 klo 18:57:07 |
Olipas FA Cup-draamaa aidoimmillaan Shrewsburyn stadionilla! Ensin kotijoukkue johtoon kulmurista pusketulla maalilla 80. minuutilla ja pitkään näyttikin, että laulukuoro kutsuu... mutta siiten ensin 90+1' tasoittaa kukas muukaan kuin Ross Stewart ja 90+4' voittomaali Luke O'Nienin lapikkaasta. Sympaattiselle O9:lle samalla kauden avausmaali, kreivin aikaan. 
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.01.2023 klo 19:01:11 kirjoittanut Jack the Ripper »
Suosikkijoukkue: Chelsea, Sunderland
Vastaus #1139 : 07.01.2023 klo 19:07:12 |
15 vuotias Christopher Rigg sai myös debyyttinsa edustusjoukkueessa.
Vastaus #1140 : 07.01.2023 klo 19:39:19 |
Roscoe ja O9 Klaaraa.
Erikoinen peli tosiaan.
Chris Rigg 15v ja 203 päivää, nuorin kenttäpelaaja seuran historiassa, kilpailullisessa pelissä.
Vastaus #1141 : 09.01.2023 klo 12:11:27 |
FA cupin seuraavalla kierroksella jo tiedossa aivan erilainen haaste, kun arpa heitti Fulhamin vieraaksi Craven Gottagelle.
Vastaus #1142 : 18.01.2023 klo 13:43:52 |
Näyttää siltä että West Hamin keskikenttäpelaajasta, Pierre Ekwahista (21v), tulee tammikuun ikkunan ensimmäinen hankinta.
Kyseessä on loppukauden laina.
Vastaus #1143 : 24.01.2023 klo 08:46:55 |
Swansea vastaan kärsittyä 1-3 kotitappiota seurasi ansaittu 2-0 voitto Borosta, jossa joukkue pääsi myllyttämään yhden miehen ylivoimalla noin neläjkymmentä minuuttia. Roscoe ja Diallo maalintekijöinä.
Pierre Ekwahista tosiaan ikkunan ensimmäinen hankinta, mutta vastoin alkuperäisi huhuja, kyseessä ei ole laina, vaan mies tuotiin Wearsidelle neljän ja puolen vuoden lapulla.
Vastaus #1144 : 24.01.2023 klo 08:48:34 |
Pierre Ekwah signs for Sunderland! Sunderland AFC is delighted to announce the signing of Pierre Ekwah.
The midfielder has signed a contract at the Stadium of Light until summer 2027 and moves to Wearside from West Ham United for an undisclosed fee.
From the small village of Avrainville, situated just south of Paris, Ekwah featured for RC Arpajonnais, Bretigny FCS and CFF Paris at youth level.
The 21-year-old also spent three years at the renowned INF Clairefontaine national academy, whose graduates include FIFA World Cup winners Thierry Henry, Blaise Matuidi, Olivier Giroud and Kylian Mbappé, before joining Ligue 1 outfit Nantes in 2017.
Ekwah moved from the Stade de la Beaujoire to Chelsea one year later and spent three years with the Blues prior to crossing the capital and signing for West Ham.
A France Under-20 international, the midfielder has scored nine goals and assisted three times in 39 Under-21 appearances for the Hammers.
Ekwah said: “The history and vision of the Club really attracted me and I’m delighted to be here. I see myself as a number eight who can handle the ball well, but I can also do the defensive side of the game. It’s great to see the Club trusting young players and that’s something that really appealed to me – it seems a great environment for me to develop as both a person and a player, and I can’t wait to get started.”
Tony Mowbray added: “We are delighted to get the deal done and welcome Pierre to Sunderland. He is a player we have been monitoring for some time, and we believe he will add something different to the dynamic of our midfield. Having met him, he has a brilliant personality – he wants to get better and show he can play first-team football. He brings a level of physicality and we’re really looking forward to working with him.”
Ekwah will wear the no.39 shirt and he is expected to be available for selection when Tony Mowbray’s side travel to Fulham on Saturday in the Emirates FA Cup.
Vastaus #1145 : 27.01.2023 klo 08:56:48 |
Isaac Lihadji joins SAFC! Sunderland AFC is delighted to announce the signing of Isaac Lihadji for an undisclosed fee.
Arriving from Ligue 1 side LOSC Lille subject to international clearance, the talented 20-year-old has signed an initial two-and-a-half-year contract at the Stadium of Light with a Club option of a further year.
Lihadji made 39 senior appearances during his time at the Stade Pierre-Mauroy, including 21 in Lille’s 2020-21 title-winning campaign and three in last season’s UEFA Champions League.
He is one of only two current Sky Bet Championship players to be nominated for the 2022 Golden Boy award, with fellow Black Cat Amad also shortlisted for the prestigious accolade.
Lihadji started his career at Septemes-les-Vallons before moving to Olympique de Marseille aged 14 and rapidly progressing through Les Phocéens’ youth set-up.
He made his senior debut for OM at 17 and went on to feature on one more occasion for the Stade Vélodrome-based outfit, whilst also earning international recognition with France from Under-16 to Under-21 level.
The Frenchman will wear the no.22 shirt and becomes SAFC's second January signing.
Lihadji said: “I can see it’s a beautiful city with supporters who have a great love for football, so I’m happy to be here. The project attracted me because the club inspire young players to improve their level and I am ready for the challenge. I’m excited to play for the club and I’m eager to get on the field.”
Tony Mowbray added: “We are delighted to welcome Isaac to Sunderland AFC and it’s a mark of the Club’s progression that we can attract this level of talent when so many others were in the mix. His playing time has been limited in recent months and we need to manage our immediate expectations, but he will add competition to the squad and we always have one eye on next season. I often talk about how important it is to keep putting talent into the Club, so we are delighted that Isaac has chosen to continue his career with us and we are looking forward to working with him.”
Vastaus #1146 : 30.01.2023 klo 09:40:01 |
Gelhardt joins from Leeds United! Sunderland AFC has completed the loan signing of Joe Gelhardt from Leeds United.
The forward moves to the Stadium of Light until the end of the 2022-23 season, joining from the Whites after making 15 Premier League appearances for Jesse Marsch’s side during the first part of the campaign.
Gelhardt, who was linked with several high-profile moves during the window, becomes the Club’s third January arrival following the permanent signings of Pierre Ekwah and Isaac Lihadji.
The 20-year-old was born on Merseyside and started his career with Wigan Athletic, breaking into Latics’ senior set up aged 16 and making his debut against Rotherham United in an EFL Cup tie.
He made 21 appearances in total for the club prior to moving to Elland Road in August 2020 where he scored 11 goals and registered three assists for Leeds’ Under-21s in his first season.
Gelhardt made his PL debut in October 2021 against Southampton and he scored his first top-flight goal two months later, netting the winner in a 3-2 victory over Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.
He continued to contribute at senior level and ended the season with 22 first-team appearances, which included a dramatic stoppage-time winner against Norwich City and four PL assists.
An England youth international at every age group from Under-16 to Under-20 level, the forward trained with his new team-mates at the Academy of Light on Friday morning and could make his debut next weekend against Millwall.
Gelhardt said: “I know how big the Club is and I’m really looking forward to meeting the lads and trying to help. I spoke with the Head Coach and the playing style seemed a perfect fit for me. I’ve watched Sunderland on the TV this season and seen some positive, attacking football and I can’t wait to get involved.”
Tony Mowbray added: “It is no secret that Joe had plenty of options on the table this month, so it is a testament to the Club and its staff that he felt Sunderland was the best move for him. He has made an impact at Premier League level throughout the past 18 months and he is a really exciting signing, who fits our playing style and will complement a forward line that is already packed with talent. I’m sure the fans can’t wait to see him in action and we are looking forward to supporting his development.”
Vastaus #1147 : 30.01.2023 klo 09:46:03 |
Fulham-Sunderland 1-1 (0-1) Clarke 6'
Sunderland: Patterson, Hume, Ballard, Batth ©, Alese (Huggins 46’), Roberts (Rigg 85’), Neil, Michut (Ekwah 76’), Clarke (Bennette 76’), Amad, Stewart (Ba 20’)
Subs not used: Kelly, Johnson, Watson, Bass.
Erittäin hyvä esitys cupissa Craven Gottagella, jossa paremmalla viimeisen kolmanneksen pelaamisella, olisi ollut jopa jatkopaikka suoraan otettavissa. Nyt uusinta tuodaan SOL:lle, jossa tunnelma takuuvarmasti katossa. Pelissä paljon hyviä elementtejä, etenemisiä viimeiselle kolmannekselle, jossa kuten sanottua, olisi pitänyt olla kuitenkin tehokkaampi.
Corry Evans on loppukauden sivussa ja lauantaina saatiin lisää huonoja uutisia, kun Ross Stewart loukkaantui (jälleen) ja tiedossa lienee pitkä lepo. Tämä avaa erittäin hyvän mahdollisuuden toisaalta Joe Gelhardtille, joka saapui loppukauden lainalle Leedsistä. Erittäin mahdollista myös, että vielä toinen hyökkääjä on ikkunan viimeisten päivien aikana saapumassa Wearsidelle.
Vastaus #1148 : 31.01.2023 klo 10:46:12 |
Oletettavasti deadline dayn aikana nähdään vielä säpinää jonkin verran ja mahdollisesti molempiin suuntiin.
Evertonin nuori toppari Joe Anderson on ainakin liittymässä tämän päivän aikana ja kyllähän tässä vielä eräästä, saman seuran Ellis Simmsista elätellään toiveita.
Mahdollisista lähtijöistä on mainittu ainakin toppari Bailey Wright.
Vastaus #1149 : 31.01.2023 klo 12:11:14 |
Joe Anderson arrives from Everton! Sunderland AFC has completed the signing of Joe Anderson from Everton.
The defender, 21, has signed a three-and-a-half-year deal at the Stadium of Light, with a Club option of a further year.
Born in Stalybridge, Anderson started his career at Liverpool before crossing the Mersey aged 15 and moving to Goodison Park.
The defender made 25 appearances for the Toffees’ Under-18s during the 2018-19 season, as Paul Tait’s side registered a third-place finish in the U18 Premier League (North) and reached the quarter finals of the FA Youth Cup.
Anderson made the step up to Under-23 level in 2019-20 and cemented his place as a regular starter one season later, going on to captain the Blues’ development side and feature on 62 occasions.
A centre back who can also operate in a left-sided role, he will train with his new team-mates at the Academy of Light on Tuesday morning.
Anderson said: “I’m over the moon to make the move, the minute the Club were interested I wanted to come here. I met the Head Coach and really liked what he had to say, and the fact he was also a centre back means I’ll have a lot to learn from him. It’s a challenge I’m really looking forward to and I can’t wait to get started.”
Tony Mowbray added: “Joe fits the profile of player we want to keep adding to the Club and we look forward to supporting his development in a senior environment. The talent and potential is there and although he may need time to develop physically in the next weeks and months, he will add immediate competition and depth to our squad. A left-footed, left-sided central defender, which is a rarity, he can distribute the ball well from the back and connect defence with midfield – he is going to be a real long-term asset for the Club.”