Tässä taitaa nimenomaan olla kyse siitä että ollaan omassa päässä päätelty jotain. Itse olen antanut ymmärtää että ei ole minkäänlainen ongelmapelaaja. Jos olisi, niin tuskin olisi pidetty Kiffenissä 3 kautta putkeen ja sen jälkeen viikingeissä 2 kautta putkeen. Samaan aikaan kyseisistä joukkueista ei ole kuulunut mitään soraääniä kaverin kyvystä pelata osana joukkuetta yms.
Ja noista ”potkuista”, muistaakseni kyse oli joka kerta siitä että sopimus purettiin. Noissa tilanteissa ei ulkopuolella olevien kannata alkaa tekemään minkäänlaisia yksinkertaistavia päätelmiä, koska tilanteet voivat olla hyvinkin monimutkaisia. Toki, se näytti ulkopuolelle vähän oudolle.
E. John Samuel vibat tulee tästä leimaamisesta. Futisforumin lieveilmiöitä.
I worked hard my entire life , dropped out of university in my third year , trained so crazy just to live the dream to play In Europe and finally I got the opportunity to play in Finland and began to dream bigger to play in big teams and worked even harder until July 2011 when my team then LOPA went to play against Närpeast Kraft. 3 of our key players did not go to the game so we had a fringe team to play against one of the best side then in the group. That was one of my best game, playing virtually almost in the back line covering inexperienced players and we lost so bad 8-0. Don't forget it was on same 2011 when Finland experienced one of the most horrible match fixing incidence that happened in Rovaniemi.
My entire life work, dreams and hopes were shattered and destroyed in this very futisforum when someone made a comment that " For my team to have lost 8-0 meant I , John Samuel may have fixed the match " . That singular comment was picked up and spread like wild fire , it was taking up by palloliito and I eventually ended up in the FA Black book and that was how I was unable to play any top team or even any team anymore because most football coaches , team managers and even officials of palloliito come to futisforum to read the gossips. My name became tainted , destroyed and I could barely find a football team just for a crime I had no SINGLE idea of .
I reported to KRP in 2011 and they told me I had no case because my name was never on any list of suspected people, I was advised to file police report against anyone saying it and I did . Police investigated the case and concluded, " It was a case of wrong place at the wrong time and indeed they know there is a blacklist but they cannot put resources to find it ".
In 2011 and 2013 I went to palloliito office to complain bitterly, they did not deny that I wasn't put on a suspect list but refused to do anything about it. I hired 3 lawyers to fight my case and till today the carbals in palloliito just wanted to use me as a scapegoat and ruin my name .
So my entire hard work for over 15 years goes down the drain for a singular comment made here on palloliito.
To those of you here who only attack foreigners, say horrible things or attack players , don't forget some of us have had to work years to be where we are and as you leave horrible comments here to go to bed and sleep well , don't forget that comment has destroyed the life and family of another person.
It is easy to hide behind your tag names without revealing who you are but someday karma always finds it's way.
My hope to play ever in top league may have gone but I thank God I landed on my feet , created a career for myself out of the mystery I have had to deal with for 9 years and I am still fighting to clear my name .
My names are John Samuel and I am innocent.