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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Eremenko Jr. pelaisi mieluummin Venäjän maajoukkueessa  (Luettu 10705 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #25 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:02:26

Vai tarkoittaako, että hän ei enää ikinä muuta Helsinkiin uudestaan. Rasismin vuoksi...

no sitähän se, vaikka toivoisinkin sen olevan niinkuin tahallaan tulkitsin väärin.

sitäpaitsi mistä sitä ikinä tietää olisko eremenko noussu (edes) nykyiselle tasolleen jos olis joutunu kasvamaan venäjän epävakaissa oloissa. ole hyvä vaan kaikesta mulkku  :keskari:
Clancy Wiggum

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #26 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:02:30

Ennen tätä lausetta puuttuu muuten: "I can't party in Nightclub Onnela anymore. Sedu is a racist. I hate Finns. I hate Helsinki."
;D ;D

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #27 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:02:36

Mutta hänhän on veli venäläinen  :keskari: :keskari: :keskari:

Heh, tässähän sä taas osotat kaikki noi väitökset oikeaks  Ylos
Don K

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #28 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:02:49

Kyllähän tämän kaltaisten kommenttien vuotaminen lehtiin juuri ennen elintärkeää kotiavusta on käsittämätöntä. Mieshän on ihan lahopää, jos tollaista on mennyt sanomaan julkisesti. Eremenkon omalla käyttäytymisellä on ollut suurin ansio, että mies on saanut kusipään maineen Suomessa. Lehtien lööpeissä roikkuminen salarakkaineen, autokolareineen ja porttikieltoineen yökerhoihin, saa taatusti suurimman osan tuulipuvuista pitämään miestä liian iso egoisena maahanmuuttajana.

FF:llä olikin jo kommentteja, että kuinka paljon Yle mahtaa vihata Suomifutista. Mielestäni tästä ei kuitenkaan ole kyse, koska kuitenkin asiasta olisi joku muu taho jo tiedottanut tänään. Toki olisi mielenkiintoista tietää, onko tää jutun tehnyt lehti joku paikallisnen The Sun tai Seiska tai joku muu roskalehti.

Nyt vaan Losa äkkiä oikomaan sanomisia julkisesti, niin mainetta on hieman Suomessa pelastettavissa.

Koko asialla kuitenkin ehdottomasti Alas

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #29 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:03:31

Voi Ere minkä teit(?)...  Alas

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FC Viikingit

Vastaus #30 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:03:46

Tarkoittaa varmaan, että tulee Suomeen vaan pelaamaan ja tapaamaan vanhempiaan.

Ja kavereitaan. Helsingissä niitä riittää ja kyllä hän varmasti käy usein täällä.

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #31 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:06:53

Joo saas nähdä nyt mitä tästäkin seuraa... Oikeen odotan kuulla mitä vastauksia suomalainen media sitten tosta saa..

Jos ny joku väärin ymmärsi, niin itsekin olen noista kommenteista mieltä " :keskari:" vaikka kyllähän ton on jo arvannut. Uskomaton ajoitus kyllä kieltämättä olisi

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FF Poker Tour I Bracelets: Final, Main, Money

Vastaus #32 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:08:19

Eikös tuo ole hurri lehti :) ? Nyt joku matlockkaan tuo lehti venäjältä ja faktat peliin...
Clancy Wiggum

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #33 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:10:50

Niin Reutershan tuossa Guardianin jutussa lähteenä on..
The Hammer

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Huuhkajat, West Ham, TPV (ja muutkin manselaiset)

Vastaus #34 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:11:24

VAIKKA poliittisesti epäkorrektia ryssä-sanaa muuten ei paljoa tule käytettyäkään niin tästä Juniorista koko kaveripiirini käyttää kyllä osuvaa nimea "Pikkuryssä".

Pikkuryssä on mennyt nyt antamaan sellaisen lausunnon että oksat pois. Jotenkin siitä on aistinutkin sellaisen tatsin että Suomi ei sitä pahemmin kiinnosta. Taitaa olla vaan jonkinlainen ponnahduslauta "isommille areenoille".

Iso ego vaatii isot areenat...

Pihalle maajoukkueesta tuollainen joka ei Suomea ja suomalaisuutta kunnioita!

Olisi sitten miten kova pelimies tahansa. Tai luulee olevansa.

Pikkuryssälle  Alas Alas Alas

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FC Lahti

Vastaus #35 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:13:22

Eikös tuo ole hurri lehti :) ? Nyt joku matlockkaan tuo lehti venäjältä ja faktat peliin...

Se on näköjään vaan Sport-Express. Guardian kirjoitti sen oikein. http://www.sport-express.ru/
Leka Harkko

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #36 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:17:49

Nyt löytyy jo Ylen tekstiteeveestä. Palloliiton vaihteessa saattaa pikkasen olla ruuhkaa. Mielenkiintoista nähädä painostaako liitto maajoukkueen johtoa heivaamaan pyrkyriryssä joukkueesta. Tasan tarkkaan jengin konkarit eivät diggaa tuosta kommentista.

Ere osaa hoitaa nämä hommat. Pieni idiootti jos kuvittelee, että medialle voi sanoa mitä tahansa.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FF Poker Tour I Bracelets: Final, Main, Money

Vastaus #37 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:17:55

ONCE With THE TRAINER IT FOUGHT In THE CLOAKROOM - it was worthwhile For vayssu to entrust to you captain's bandage, as you here gave out impact section. Or this agreement? - ask Yeremenko, who during these days is situated in the training camp team Finland. - certainly, this confidence to much forces. Not could 4 trainers... as this in Russian? - to bring? - accurately. The solution Of vayssa astonished. In "Saturn" 4 only half a year, yes even children somewhat older be sufficient. It asked, why he selected precisely me. "when you play well - plays well entire command", was sounded answer. It is pleasant to hear, but you understand after these words, that in each match be laid out it must more than by one hundred percent. - now, with the withdrawal Of zhedera in "Spartacus", you will remain captain to the end of the season? - it is necessary in Vayssa to ask. I think, until 4 my responsibilities I manage well. - A indeed several months ago after some match in The the ramenskom the chief trainer of "Saturn" so on you in the cloakroom shouted, which was audibly in the "mixed zone". Than you it did anger? - this when 0:0 s By "amkarom" did drive away? Yes, occurred small conflict. It played 4 weakly, the dissatisfaction of trainer was ob"yasnimo. It poshumel, 4 also did not begin to keep silent. Emotions whipped. More lately it apologized itself. However, the following match, to the goblet with "Spartacus", to 75-1 minute observed from the bench of spare. - as generally it is worked with the Slovak? - Vayss itself played still recently, therefore it thinly feels psychology of football players. For it we are not robots, but living people. With it it is easy in the contact. It not of those trainers, who imagine themselves by Lord bog. - did fall on your way such? - to my second season in "lechche" club headed Bal'dini. Unpleasant type. Excessively haughty. Fortunately, in the command it was held not long. But in Finland once 4 with the trainer even it fought. - because of what? - in Hick this was, years five back. On predsezonke was carried out comradely match on garevom coating. 4 not fan similar pour on. On which and it reported in the cloakroom to the trainer, when in the interruption it began to present some claims to me. That unexpectedly was brought, gripped me for the small piles. It was necessary for itself to postoyat'. - well and who whom? - separated... I was very ashes. It tore away sports shirt, flapped by door and said that foot my more in Hick not it will be. Nothing, in two days they reconciled. - by penalty they were finished? is not, whereas trainer to me climbed the first with the cams. - A still they speak, as if Finns - imperturbability itself. - correctly they speak. Here only trained HICK then Englishman... - whom from the trainers you do recall with the special heat? - Zemana. Not in that the matter, that with it 4 stably it played in "lechche". In the football for Zemana of secrets, it is similar, there does not exist. He is the peasant of straight line. He always speaks that there is, it relates equally to all players, it is not important - 18 to you years or 30. - where it now? - again in "lechche". A little we it missed. Zeman questioned about me my Italian agent. It were interested, is it possible me to return. Agent explained that this is unreal. - are too expensive you for "lechche"? Or you do not vomit anywhere from "Saturn"? - I is that, etc. - Wojciech Kowalevski said, that in all his Polish clubs of the fight between the players on the trainings they were phenomenon ordinary. You with this did meet? - A as! Everywhere - in Finland, in Italy, and in Russia. Most frequently skirmishes flare up on the trainings, if someone unsuccessfully carries out rough stock and instead of the ball will fall into the foot. In me personally mordoboya it did not reach. 4 football players, but not boxer. Thus, let us be pushed barely, by the obmaterim of each other, but already in the cloakroom we recall about this with the smile. - as to everything does react authorities? - it is normal. Attitude similar about which does speak? - about which? - about the fact that the players are interested to the matter! However, what here poor? The main thing so that no one would cripple no one. With THE FATHER WE APPEAR HOW THE BROTHERS - you produce the impression of man, whom has that in the mind - that in the language. Life this does complicate? - is actual privyk to speak, now and then without worrying about the consequences. In Finland after unsuccessful match, it occurred, you rubanesh' in the hearts truth- womb, you in the morning open newspaper and you think: "why it blurted out?" ... The country small, all football players in sight, not one careless word remains unnoticed. It is there from any trifle ready to fan scandal. It tested on itself. - for example? - by the past after the match of Finnish team they in autumn left with the company for the restaurant. Saw small. Then for the control of "Mercedes" I planted its girl. It was also tipsy. Along the road home on the asphalt slippery from the rain they cut into the post. No one suffered, but not there was in Finland newspaper, which would not write about this history. As a result on one game me was derived from the composition of composite. This became lesson. Although they indicate what to learn necessary on the strange errors, until itself lump you crowd - you will understand nothing. - some legionaries call Russian football dirty. But you as do consider? - in my opinion congeal paints. Yes, they play in Russia rigidly, but it did not see so that someone into someone would spit or would behave frankly on -caddish. However it is strange, even mat in the field they are scolded less than in Finland and Italy! Or 4 not all I do understand in Russian? - many note that if earlier you extremely unwillingly parted from the ball, then in his last matches you do not over-expose. With which this is connected? - at first in "Saturn" I acted in the attack. There it is possible to be moved, to pofintit'. But in the second circle Of vayss it transferred into the center of half-backs, where I try already more to play to the partners. - as pozhivayet your junior brother roman? In Russia by track it is not gathered? - no, I hope, it will appear itself in Italy. Romke of 19 years, in this season won back already for "udineze" three matches to the goblet. In the club for it in earnest they design. - A in team Finland? - thus far it in the youth. On 3 September to its game from team Russia I will be pulled out compulsorily (conversation with Yeremenko it took place before this match. - tonics. A.K.) - how father it is occupied? - parents in Finland opened small fitnes- center. In parallel dad works in the club of the second battalion. He is the there playing trainer. - really, until now, it plays?! How much zh to it godkov? - during January 43 it will knock. No longer I know, who of us earlier with the football will finish... Father is professional, what to look. Never it allowed for itself anything excess. Strictly it follows the nourishment. After game - without fail pond, massage. In contrast to me constantly it runs krossiki. 4- that them from the childhood I will not carry. Now mom to it was joined. They two together wind each day on ten kilometers. Pope seems considerably younger than his years. Sometimes they call us brothers. Moreover me, when it is unshaven, by elder, you do present? Vayss, after encountering with the father on the base of "Saturn", did drop first into the joke, then whether in earnest: "yes it appears better than you!" - when father did arrive in you? - it jumped in the middle of August on three days on game it did not fall, but it visited our base in Kratove, it met with the trainer. Because of the satellite plate of house the father passes not one match of "Saturn". - as, it is interesting, it does relate to your numerous tattooings? - it is quiet. True, after seeing new tatu, it will grumble: it is said, it is time to already stop. But it pleases itself me. - upon transfers into another club the father you are advised? - it understands. - nevertheless 2004- m this did not prevent you from leave for modest "Lechche", whereas he recommended the signing of contract with "Spartacus". however, - 4 not to Japan it left, and did not not a bit stint on into a series a. I. This is priceless school for the football player. - departure into "Saturn" it did approve? - it approved. After the withdrawal Of zemana it played 4 rarely, and it was necessary to replace situation. "Saturn" - the suitable version. - in the money they did win? - yes. In Italy only the clubs of the caliber of "Milan" and "yuventusa" can allow themselves to live to the wide foot. In the small commands like "lechche" the earnings are small. To Russian clubs in this sense they are not competitors. "Spartacus" also indeed proposed contract much more advantageous than "lechche". I DO NOT SEARCH FOR ADVENTURES - which of your old ideas about the Russian life did survive for these half a year? - parents moved into Finland, when to me there were seven years. And of my Moscow childhood nowadays remind one perhaps that streetcars. The same as before. In other respects everything strongly changed. It is sad that abroad our country shows in the unfavorable light. On the television set continuously criminal chronicle, explosions, Chechnya. In foreigners is created the impression, that one should be held further from Russia. I attempt to convince them not to believe to these horror stories. - it does succeed? - differently. The friends from Finland stayed recently in me. Moscow led them into the indescribable enthusiasm. They promised to arrive again. So that everything is useful to see with its eyes. - to what besides plugs it did prove to be difficult to become accustomed? - abroad life that more measured off. But eternally all somewhere run with the gloomy physiognomy. Went down once in the metro. Well crush was there! They introduced and carried out me from the railroad car. Ugorazdilo in that evening to put on white shoes. To the street it left in the blacks... - you lived in the different countries. Where it was is most comfortably? - In Russia. It is honest. Nevertheless 4 is more Russian, than Finn. Here finally this understood. I do not exclude, that so I will settle in Moscow. - there are many you have in Russia relatives? - in Vladikavkaz - grandmother along the line of mom, in Novocherkassk - grandmother along the line of father. In summer it arrived to the match of "Saturn" to Rostov. But here ossetic relatives, kayus', very long ago did not visit. - you freely speak in six languages - Russian, English, Finnish, Swedish, French and Italian. But you do think on what? - in the Russian. But during the interview of phrase more conveniently to construct in the Swedish. It I know best anything. In the school it was basic language. - why? - in Piyetarsaari town on the western coast of Finland, where our family lives, 60 percent of population - Swedes. - books in the Swedish you do also prefer? - or in the English. I in Russian read very slowly. But practically I do not know how to write. Russian grammar for me akin to rebus. - it is good so many languages to know. Nowhere not you propadesh'. - it is agreeable. From other side, sometimes from this vinaigrette the head goes around. "Mikshiruyesh'" word, putting them to the place and not to the place. By the way, in spring in the course of conversation with the fans on the site of "Saturn" to me they posed, perhaps, the strangest question in the life: "you do love to sing karaoke in the Finnish language?" - I that did answer? - to sing I do not love in the Finnish and as of old. - somehow you acknowledged that they encountered with the racism. Where? - in the school what in its address it did not only have heard plenty! It is not completely similar to Finn- that. I was for them and I will remain Russian, although a passport Finnish I have, and I play for the composite. Maybe, this is not racism, but from their side the specific restraint in the relations is present to this day. And this is one of the reasons, on which in the future I can be based in Russia. - the father has analogous situation? - no. In its Piyetarsaari greatly they respect. It there lives many Swedes. But they are not this cold and self-sufficient peoples as Finns. Difference between these northern neighbors, that also to speak, colossal. That is why they, putting it mildly, have no special liking each other. - it is not pitiful, that they are begun to play for the team of Finland? - slip such thoughts, especially when in the Finnish newspapers to me neither from that nor from this pours out the heap of der'ma. If we in Moscow are mislaid simply, then in Finland they follow each your step. To hide nowhere. Therefore it solved, that arrive I will there be into the composite and to the parents. But in Helsinki it is more not by foot. To rest is necessary, where you no one is interesting. But returning to a question - I will not cut, it would be desirable to play for the native country. But, when was obtained Finnish passport, no one knew, as my career will be formed, chance will fall into the team of Russia. Then all this seemed by something of the region of fantasy. It is agreeable, the past you will not return... - on Moscow as before on the taxi you are moved? - no. It tired. In this enormous city to more conveniently have its machine. - in you what? - To "porshe". - why to you automobile by cost one hundred thousand Euro-? - well, let us assume, so many new "Porshe" stand, and in me - 2002 of release. I adore sport models. Rapid, maneuverability. In me and in Italy sport "Mercedes" was. - probably, you likhachite? - that you! 120 km/h for me limit. Motor does make it possible to press the pedal of gas into the floor and to drive away to 250, but why to search for adventures to its own head? It left already this age. - Pravda, that once your machine they did not release to the base of "Saturn"? - yes, in our protection into Kratove and mouse it will not rush by. There is a passage to the automobile - we request favors. No - before the meeting. Thus far special paper with the permission it did not obtain, it not could to drop in to the territory of base. 4 not in the offence. Each has its work. - of the natives of Kuzmin closer to to center to move you do not plan? - apartment is there outstanding. But region, let us say so, specific. Bomzhi, dipsomaniacs, other doubtful personalities... Then to the base not far. - in Moscow by bachelor you do live? - aha. In Finland the friend remained, in the institute it learns. It arrived temporarily to Moscow. But faster us can be named friends. - order in the apartment themselves you do maintain? - household worker. I do not love to wash dishes, to be removed, to iron. To prepare I know how, but, when you live in the solitude, to stand mood in the plate appears infrequently. It is simpler into the restaurant to descend. - not sad to return in I do be empty apartment? - Privyk. Certainly, it is desirable to arrive in the evening to home and see, which you there someone awaits. Father, for example, early was married, into 18 years. But 4 its fate, apparently, until it meets. Aleksandr THE CIRCLES

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Vapauttakaa HUORAA TURPAAN!

Vastaus #38 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:20:49


Helvetin vähän alusta jne.  ::)

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Kotkan Työväen Palloilijat, Tromsø IL

Vastaus #39 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:21:07

  ??? Jos Eremenko todella on tällaisen lausunnon antanut, niin kyllähän Roynkin pitäisi tapauksesta johtopäätökset vetää.. Taisi Juniori kusta omille kintuilleen pahemman kerran. Ei olisi iso yllätys, jos maajoukkue kutsuja ei jatkossa moskovan suuntaan lähtisi.
Ricky Rocket

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Los Búhos Reales

Vastaus #40 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:22:07

"Ere ulos"-huudot kaikuvat huomenna stadikalla  ???

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FF Poker Tour I Bracelets: Final, Main, Money

Vastaus #41 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:22:17

somehow you acknowledged that they encountered with the racism. Where? - in the school what in its address it did not only have heard plenty! It is not completely similar to Finn- that. I was for them and I will remain Russian, although a passport Finnish I have, and I play for the composite. Maybe, this is not racism, but from their side the specific restraint in the relations is present to this day. And this is one of the reasons, on which in the future I can be based in Russia. - the father has analogous situation? - no. In its Piyetarsaari greatly they respect. It there lives many Swedes. But they are not this cold and self-sufficient peoples as Finns. Difference between these northern neighbors, that also to speak, colossal. That is why they, putting it mildly, have no special liking each other. - it is not pitiful, that they are begun to play for the team of Finland? - slip such thoughts, especially when in the Finnish newspapers to me neither from that nor from this pours out the heap of der'ma. If we in Moscow are mislaid simply, then in Finland they follow each your step. To hide nowhere. Therefore it solved, that arrive I will there be into the composite and to the parents. But in Helsinki it is more not by foot. To rest is necessary, where you no one is interesting. But returning to a question - I will not cut, it would be desirable to play for the native country. But, when was obtained Finnish passport, no one knew, as my career will be formed, chance will fall into the team of Russia. Then all this seemed by something of the region of fantasy. It is agreeable, the past you will not return...
Tuollahan tuo näyttää olevan,
Siis käänsin tuolta Sport-Express sivuilta, venäjästä Babelilla...
« Viimeksi muokattu: 05.09.2006 klo 16:25:00 kirjoittanut misteri »

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: HJK

Vastaus #42 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:26:17

Ei kiinnosta, kunhan Eremenko hankkii rankkareita samalla tavalla kuin Puola pelissäkin niin hyvä tulee.
Xabi Alonso

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #43 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:27:43

Kyllähän tämän kaltaisten kommenttien vuotaminen lehtiin juuri ennen elintärkeää kotiavusta on käsittämätöntä. Mieshän on ihan lahopää, jos tollaista on mennyt sanomaan julkisesti. Eremenkon omalla käyttäytymisellä on ollut suurin ansio, että mies on saanut kusipään maineen Suomessa. Lehtien lööpeissä roikkuminen salarakkaineen, autokolareineen ja porttikieltoineen yökerhoihin, saa taatusti suurimman osan tuulipuvuista pitämään miestä liian iso egoisena maahanmuuttajana.

Juurikin näin.

Airhead Eremenko.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Horst Lüning

Vastaus #44 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:28:22

Ei kiinnosta, kunhan Eremenko hankkii rankkareita samalla tavalla kuin Puola pelissäkin niin hyvä tulee.

Kunhan tekee sen jossain muualla kuin Suomen maajoukkueessa. >:(
Xabi Alonso

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #45 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:30:05

"Ere ulos"-huudot kaikuvat huomenna stadikalla  ???

 ;D Ylos

Noh, Sami ja kumppanithan toivoivat meteliä katsomoon...
Drunk as a Skunk

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #46 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:31:38

vituttaa vaan ku sekin saanu koulutuksen ja kaikki meidän verorahoilla ja sit vittu inisee!!  >:( :keskari:
ois vaan jääny sinne ryssämaahan ni makais katuojassa tälläkin hetkellä!

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Inter

Vastaus #47 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:34:03

Kai tuo nyt on jokaiselle järkevälle ihmiselle ollut selvää jo pidemmän aikaa, että Ere pelaisi mieluummin isiensä maan maajoukkueessa.

Ere  Ylos

1939-1944-janarit  :keskari:

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: FF Poker Tour I Bracelets: Final, Main, Money

Vastaus #48 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:34:57

vituttaa vaan ku sekin saanu koulutuksen ja kaikki meidän verorahoilla ja sit vittu inisee!!  >:( :keskari:
ois vaan jääny sinne ryssämaahan ni makais katuojassa tälläkin hetkellä!
Laitahan apina ykkösellä nämä  :keskari: Sun takia Erellä on niin vaikeeta, nyyh  ::)

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: HJK

Vastaus #49 : 05.09.2006 klo 16:40:00

Sopivasti venäläislehti julkaisi juuri nyt tämän jutun. Puhumattakaan niistä lainauksista jota on todennäköisesti napattu keskeltä virkkeitä jne.

On brittilehdet, on kreikkalaiset lehdet.. On venäläiset lehdet.

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