Nyt on urheilullisestikin ratkaisevan tärkeää, että Slovenia-vierasottelusta tehdään tosiasiallinen kotiottelu, kuten Serbian fanit tekivät Ljubljanassa kansojen liigan ottelussa 2022, kun "Many Serbian fans cheering for the visitors
completely overpowered the home fans" ja "With help from the stands, the Serbs dominated from the first minute" sportklub.n1info.si/nogomet/liga-narodov/spodbuden-remi-na-igriscu-sramota-na-tribunah/ (ja valitettavasti huutelivat kaikkea poliittisesti vastenmielistä, kuten Suomen kannattajat tietenkään eivät tule tekemään). Joten kaikki kannattajat tarpeen vaatiessa kuukauden kestävälle boot campille, että jaksavat laulaa/huutaa/hyppiä täyttä kurkkua 90min+
Tuossa juttu toukokuulta Slovenian fanikulttuurista:
Organized fans are returning to Slovenia's matches. "Enough popcorn chewing!"
FOOTBALL 19 May 2023 7:00 1 comment:
With the group United Slovenian fans, which is also supported by the Football Association of Slovenia, organized cheering is returning to the matches of the Slovenian national football team after many years. We spoke to its co-founder.
When Slovenia, led by Srečko Katanc , qualified for the 2000 European Championship and the 2002 World Championship at the turn of the millennium, it succeeded to a large extent because of the united fan groups of Slovenian clubs cheering it on from the stands. Green Dragons, Viola, Black Gringos and the rest ensured that Zlatko Zahović , Milenko Ačimović , Miran Pavlin , Aleš Čeh and the rest were almost invincible at the cult stadium behind Bežigrad.
In 2010, when the Slovenian footballers brought the country to its feet by qualifying for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the wind in their sails was provided by the members of the then newly formed fan group Slovenia Supporters, who cheered on Robert Koren , Samir Handanović , Boštjan Cesar ...
NHS and fans on opposite banks
But there have been no organized fan groups at Slovenia's home matches for many years. The first group of fans has been unwanted by the Football Association of Slovenia for a long time. The other is in dispute with the umbrella Slovenian football organization.
That is why there is a bad fan atmosphere in Stožice, which has recently "adopted" the best Slovenian football team. In June of last year, when Serbia was visiting us, we witnessed a real shame in this regard .
In the future, this may change at least a little. With better results, Matjaž Keko 's footballers are promised better support from the stands, which is also confirmed by the sale of tickets for the next qualifying match for the 2024 European Championship with Denmark, from which we are exactly one month away today.
The atmosphere may also change due to the organized Slovenian fans, who are returning to the matches of the Slovenian national team after many years. Recently, with the support of the NZS, the group Združeni nadšovi Slovenije (ZNS) was formed , which in the future will take care of organized cheering at the matches of the Slovenian national team.
ZNS: We had a blast in the match with Montenegro
"We decided to found a group because of the theatrical atmosphere in Stožice in the last couple of years. We had a great time at last year's friendly match against Montenegro in November, when there were ten thousand Slovenians in Stožice, but the whole match was only heard cheering a small Montenegrin group and the Slovenian side chewing popcorn. We are a breath of fresh air on this scene and we hope that people will recognize our efforts and join us," co-founder of the newly formed fan group ZNS Vito Vinšek from Prebold told us.
They came up with the idea of starting a group together with a friend and passed it on to some other people who have experience in cheerleading. He is a fan himself. He attended the matches of the local club from an early age.
The ZNS group gathered before the March match with San Marino. PHOTO: ZNS.
Against San Marino 50, against Denmark already 200 or more?
"We have already been to one of Slovenia's matches. In March, we were there for the match against San Marino. We gathered at Žale and headed for the stadium. There were about 30 of us, some joined us at the stadium, so there were about 50 of us in total at the match," he said, adding that the group, which has no age limit, was well organized.
"We have drums, a megaphone, banners, fan slogans and so on," said the young fan and invited others along. "Everyone is welcome. For now, there is no dialogue with larger club fan groups, except with individuals. The same applies to the older fan group of the Slovenian national team. There were some contacts, but nothing concrete. We are here. If anyone plans to join, they are welcome," said one of the ZNS leaders - they are between 19 and 25 years old - for whom the NZS provided their sector and slightly cheaper tickets. For now, the group does not have a membership, but plans to establish one in the near future.
"We calculate that there will be somewhere between 160 and 200 of us in the match against Denmark. We believe that this number can be much higher," Plut called the fans to the important qualifying match in June, who is focused only on football for now, but this may change in the future.
Cheering at national team matches is mandatory
Slovenia will also be accompanied on some away games. In this cycle, due to the very distant destinations, they will only attend the matches in San Marino.
"From the qualification for the 2024 European Championship, we expect the boys to fight to the last drop of blood and, together with our help, they will succeed in breaking through to Germany. We are aware that it will not be easy, but with unity we can succeed," he added.
"Cheering at national team matches must be mandatory. Every citizen who loves football should cheer with pride!” he added at the end and announced that some members of the group are going to Hungary this weekend.
Reason? The European Championship under 17 years of age , in which Miša Breček's wards shone in the opening match .
Good luck on your way! Until Budapest and the re-establishment of a real fan atmosphere at the matches of the Slovenian national team. Considering the anemic nature of the Slovenian audience from the last period, it won't be easy. sportklub.n1info.si/nogomet/na-tekme-slovenije-se-vracajo-organizirani-navijaci-dovolj-je-zvecenja-kokic/