Match: HJK Helsinki vs. Molde FK (2:2), 12.12.2024, UEFA Conference League 2024/25
Charges against HJK Helsinki:
Lighting of fireworks, Art. 16(2)c DR
The CEDB has decided:
To order the enforcement of the suspended disciplinary measure imposed by the Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body in its decision of 20 November 2023, for lighting of fireworks, i.e. to order the partial closure of HJK Helsinki’s stadium (i.e. the home sector behind the goal, consisting of at least 2,000 seats) during the next UEFA competition match HJK Helsinki will play as host club.
To fine HJK Helsinki €15,000 and to order the partial stadium closure of HJK Helsinki’s stadium (i.e. sectors 142, 143, 144, 145 and 146 of the Klubipääty stand) during the next UEFA club competition match in which HJK Helsinki will play as host club, for lighting of fireworks. Said partial closure is suspended during a probationary period of two (2) years, starting from the date of the present decision. ja -lakanat ovat ilmeisesti nykyään sallittuja, ilotulitteiden sytyttely ei vieläkään. Ehdonalaiseksi vuosi sitten annettu pelottelutuomio astui voimaan ja ekaan karsintapeliin pitää löytää Klubipäädystä 2000 tyhjää penkkiä (aika paljon täytyy jostain raijata irtotuoleja?)
Uutena rangaistuksena seura maksaa mafialle kohtuullisen 15000€ suojelurahan ja kannattajia pelotellaan uudella ehdonalaisella jonka rikkomisesta Klubipäädyn keskimmäiset 5 lohkoa kiinni.