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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Tänne keräämme omituisia loukkaantumisia.  (Luettu 27807 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Jämsänkosken Ilves, Huuhkajat, Newcastle United

: 28.09.2006 klo 21:35:12

Aloitetaan vaikka näistä.

1970-luvulla Norjan maajoukkuepakki Svein Gröndalen joutui jäämään sivuun maaottelusta törmättyään hirveen juoksulenkillä  ???

Darren Barnard joutui viideksi kuukaudeksi aikanaan sivuun kun polvestä repesivät nivelsiteen miehen liukastuttua keittiönsä lattialla olleeseen lammikkoon joka oli hänen koiranpentunsa virtsaa  ???

David Batty hajoitti akillesjänteensä kun hänen taapero-ikäinen poikansa ajoi hänen ylitseen kolmipyöräisellä  ???

Hajduk Splitin Milan Rapaic missasi kauden 1995-1996 kauden aloituksen kun hän loukkasi silmänsä tökätessään sinne vahingossa boarding passin ollessaan lentokentällä  ???

Entinen Aston Villan puolustaja Alan Wright venäytti polvensa kun hän kurotti jalkaa Ferrarinsa kaasupolkimelle  ???

Arsenalin Perry Groves pomppasi aikanaan pystyyn vaihtopenkillä juhliessaan joukkueensa maalia, löi päänsä aition kattoon ja putosi tajuttomana maahan  ???

E: (Lähde: The book of lists - Football: Stephen Foster)
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.09.2006 klo 21:37:22 kirjoittanut powderfinger »
Alka Seltzer

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #1 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:38:09

Litmanen - pullonkorkki silmään Ylos

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Suomi + satunnaista symppausta

Vastaus #2 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:38:51

Canizaresin hajuvesi vuonna 2000 tai 2002, en muista kumpia kisoja ennen tapahtui

vai oliko jopa 2004

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #3 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:42:05

powderfingerille topicista  Ylos Tuoppi

Ei saatana, tiputti ihan totaalisesti.  ;D ;D Viimeksi sai näin paljon nauraa koulussa tänään...

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Jämsänkosken Ilves, Huuhkajat, Newcastle United

Vastaus #4 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:48:42

Canizaresin hajuvesi vuonna 2000 tai 2002, en muista kumpia kisoja ennen tapahtui

vai oliko jopa 2004

Tässä kirjassa on myös maalivahtien loukkaantumisille oma osio. Sieltä löytyy tuo Canizares-homma, kuten myös seuraavia.

1975 ManU-veska Alex Stepney jouduttiin vaihtamaan kesken pelin Birminghamia vastaan, kun mies huusi niin paljon omille puolustajille, että leuka meni sijoiltaan.

David Seaman missasi ensimmäisen puoliskon 1996-97 kautta kun hajotti polvensa nivelsiteet nostaessaan lattialta television kaukosäädintä.

Mart Poom loukkasi genitaalialueensa Derbyn hyväntekeväisyysottelussa Iron Maidenin poppoota vastaan.

Helmikuussa 2006 Evertonin Richard Wright loukkasi nilkkansa alkuverryttelyssä Chelseaa vastaan kompastuttuaan maalin edessä olleeseen kylttiin jossa luki: NOT IN USE - PLEASE PRACTISE IN TEMPORARY GOALMOUTH

Englannin maajoukkuemaalivahti Chris Woods joutui vetäytymään pois yhdestä maaottelusta vuonna 1989 leikattuaan sormensa auki kynäveitsellä - hän yritti katkaista verryttelyhousujensa kuminauhaa.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Suomi + satunnaista symppausta

Vastaus #5 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:48:51

tuolta löytyy lisää http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,68290,00.html

Lainaus käyttäjältä: tuo lehtijuttu
Man United goalkeeper  Alex Stepney,  in 1975, screamed so hard at his team-mates that he broke his jaw.


Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: HJK, Artsakh, M'well, Zapresic boys.

Vastaus #6 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:54:44

1999 Barnsleyn Darren Barnard liukastui oman koiransa paskaan ja loukkasi siinä polvensa ja oli suuren osan kaudesta loukkaantuneena tuon takia ;D
Leedsin aikoina Robbie Keanen nilkka meni sijoiltaan hänen astuttua tv:n kaukosäätimen päälle.


Edit: Jaahas tuolla Guardianin sivuilla onkin eri versio tuosta Keanen loukkaantumisesta:

Young Wolves striker Robbie Keane ruptured his knee cartilage in October last year after stretching to pick up his TV remote control.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.09.2006 klo 21:59:58 kirjoittanut Thouni »

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Suomi + satunnaista symppausta

Vastaus #7 : 28.09.2006 klo 21:58:49

1999 Barnsleyn Darren Barnard liukastui oman koiransa paskaan ja loukkasi siinä polvensa ja oli suuren osan kaudesta loukkaantuneena tuon takia ;D
Leedsin aikoina Robbie Keanen nilkka meni sijoiltaan hänen astuttua tv:n kaukosäätimen päälle.

eikös se nyt ollut kusilammikkoon, ja se lukee tuolla ekassa viestissä...

ja ainakin tuossa guardianin linkissä lukee että keanelta meni polvi kurottaessaan yltääkseen kaukoohjaimeen.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.09.2006 klo 22:01:46 kirjoittanut JLCM »

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: HJK, Artsakh, M'well, Zapresic boys.

Vastaus #8 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:00:33

eikös se nyt ollut kusilammikkoon, ja se lukee tuolla ekassa viestissä...
Mun lähteideni mukaan se oli paskaläjä ::)

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: CFC

Vastaus #9 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:29:39

Litmanen - pullonkorkki silmään Ylos
;D Alas

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #10 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:52:55

Olikos Dave Beasantin salaattikulhon pudotus ja sitä seurannut haltuunottoyritys jo mainittu?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 29.09.2006 klo 10:59:08 kirjoittanut shots »

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Jämsänkosken Ilves, Huuhkajat, Newcastle United

Vastaus #11 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:54:13

Olikos Dave Beasantin salaattikulhon pudotus ja sitä seurannut haltuunottoyritys jo mainittu?

Safe hands  ;D

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #12 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:55:45

Entinen Aston Villan puolustaja Alan Wright venäytti polvensa kun hän kurotti jalkaa Ferrarinsa kaasupolkimelle  ???

Olen kuullut sellaisen version että Ferrarin kytkin oli jotenkin erilainen kun Wrightin edellisessä autossa (Jaguar?) joten polveen tuli rasitusvamma..?

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Jämsänkosken Ilves, Huuhkajat, Newcastle United

Vastaus #13 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:57:43

Olen kuullut sellaisen version että Ferrarin kytkin oli jotenkin erilainen kun Wrightin edellisessä autossa (Jaguar?) joten polveen tuli rasitusvamma..?

Lähteeni kertoo tuon kaasupoljintarinan, mutta se kertoo myös sen, että polvivamman jälkeen Ferrari meni hyvin nopeasti vaihtoon Roveriin.

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #14 : 28.09.2006 klo 22:58:55

Lähteeni kertoo tuon kaasupoljintarinan, mutta se kertoo myös sen, että polvivamman jälkeen Ferrari meni hyvin nopeasti vaihtoon Roveriin.

Uskomme sitä koska oma lähteeni on muisti... ::)
Jukka Emil Vanaja

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Suomi & FC TPS

Vastaus #15 : 28.09.2006 klo 23:03:05

Kuka muistaa tapauksen, joka sattui viime kaudella muistaakseni jollekin Englannin Championshipissä pelaavalle kaverille. Mies onnistui nimittäin reväyttämään takareitensä syödessään lasagnea. Valmentaja siinä sitten mietti, ettei ei ihan äkkiä muista, että jollekin olisi sattunut vastaavaa.

Juttu oli jossain viime talven Veikkaajassa. Jos jollain on lehdet tallella, niin voi käydä tarkistamassa.

Helvetin vaarallista näköjään toi lasagne.. täytyy muistaa seuraavaks lämmitellä kunnolla ennen kuin syö sitä.

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #16 : 28.09.2006 klo 23:10:31

Ei varsinaisesti otsikon mukainen mutta pistetään silti.

Kaudella 86/87 Torquay tarvitsi viimeisestä pelistään pisteen jotta säilyttäisi liigastatuksensa. Crewe meni ekalla jaksolla 2-0 johtoon mutta Torquay hallitsi peliä. Kotijoukkueen puolustaja Jim McNichol kavensi pelin ja mentyään tuulettamaan maalia "duunissa" ollut poliisikoira hyökkäsi McNicholin kimppuun. Peli keskeytyi pitkäksi aikaa ja kuinka ollakkaan, Torquay nousi tasoihin juuri loukkaantumisen takia tulleella lisäajalla. Poliisikoira oli luullut että McNichol uhkasi tuulettaessaan sen isäntää ja näin ollen aiheutti epäonniselle puolustajalle 17 tikkiä vaatineen haavan.

Torquayssa ollaan sitä mieltä että koiran takia seura säilytti sarjapaikan.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: ompisuomi

Vastaus #17 : 28.09.2006 klo 23:21:56

Helvetin vaarallista näköjään toi lasagne.. täytyy muistaa seuraavaks lämmitellä kunnolla ennen kuin syö sitä.
Varsinkin kun tähän lisätään se, että Tottenham missasi kokonaisen UEFA Champions League-kauden syötyään "huonoa" lasagnea  ;D

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Kuuntele nyt tarkkaan: haista vittu

Vastaus #18 : 28.09.2006 klo 23:31:25

Varsinkin kun tähän lisätään se, että Tottenham missasi kokonaisen UEFA Champions League-kauden syötyään "huonoa" lasagnea  ;D
Hyville selityksille Ylos

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Valioliiga-RoPS

Vastaus #19 : 29.09.2006 klo 08:22:17

Miten se meni se Rio Ferdinandin yksi loukkaantuminen? Heppu piti jalkojaan pöydällä niin kauan että noustessaan ylös polvessa oli rusahtanut jotain rikki. Muistanko nyt ollenkaan oikein? Taisi olla joskus Veikkaajassa tms. tuo juttu.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Jämsänkosken Ilves, Huuhkajat, Newcastle United

Vastaus #20 : 29.09.2006 klo 08:33:23

Miten se meni se Rio Ferdinandin yksi loukkaantuminen? Heppu piti jalkojaan pöydällä niin kauan että noustessaan ylös polvessa oli rusahtanut jotain rikki. Muistanko nyt ollenkaan oikein? Taisi olla joskus Veikkaajassa tms. tuo juttu.

Noinhan se homma juurikin meni.
Le God

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Hard Bass

Vastaus #21 : 29.09.2006 klo 09:34:46

RICHARD WRIGHT - Tripped over a sign in the goalmouth at Stamford Bridge. The sign was to ask goalkeepers not to warm up in the goalmouth.

DARREN BARNARD - Sidelined for 5 months with a torn knee ligament after slipping in a puddle of puppy piss.

SEAN FLYNN - Suffered a broken nose, a fat lip and bruising after tripping over his son's toy car.

KASEY KELLER - Knocked out his front teeth after removing his golf clubs from the boot of his car.

ANDREW WHING - Injured a hamstring after eating a lasagne earlier this season.

DAVID BATTY - Suffered a damaged achilles tendon after being run over by his toddler on a tricycle.

CHIC BRODIE - Brentford keeper who shattered his kneecap (thus ending his career) after colliding with a Jack Russell that had run onto the pitch.

ALAN WRIGHT - Short-arse defender who strained his knee stretching to reach the accelerator pedal in his new Ferrari.

RIO FERDINAND - Picked up a knee tendon strain after resting his leg on his coffee table for too long.

DAVID JAMES - Shoulder injury after trying to land a Carp while out fishing.

DAVE BEASANT - Ruled out for 8 weeks after dropping a bottle of salad cream on his foot.

Barnard, Whing & Brodie  ;D Ylos

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #22 : 29.09.2006 klo 09:46:12

Muutama loukkaantuminen mutta lajina Baseball... ::)

Charlie Hough broke his pinky finger while shaking hands.

Mickey Tettleton went on the DL with a severe case of athlete's foot - caused by tying his shoes too tight.

Jose Cardenal missed a game in 1972 because he was kept awake all night by crickets chirping in his hotel room.

Jose Cardenal missed a game in 1974, because he couldn't blink. He swore his eyes were stuck open.

Bob Feller scalded himself with 200-degree water after he lost control of the hose in a whirlpool. He scalded himself from the waste down, and couldn't do anything for a week.

Russ Davis missed a game after he slept wrong and awoke with a sore shoulder.

David Cone missed a start after getting bit by his mother-in-law's dog, a Jack Russell Terrier.

Sammy Sosa missed a game after sleeping wrong on his shoulder.

Jim Corsi slipped coming out of the shower and sprained his wrist. Corsi has poor eyesight, wasn't wearing contacts, and misjudged his step.

Bob Stanley missed a couple of games slipping down the stairs while taking out the trash.

Ken Griffey Jr. got a sore back lifting boxes.

Carlos Perez broke his nose in a car accident....as he was trying to pass the team bus.

Brian Anderson suffered nerve damage in his elbow after a cab ride.

Tony Gwynn missed a couple of games after he smashed his thumb in the door of his luxury car. While going to the bank.

Rickey Henderson missed several games because of frost- bite. In August.

Vince Coleman missed the 1985 World Series when he got rolled up in the tarp machine.

Pascual Perez missed a start in Atlanta when he circled the city for more than two hours searching for the exit ramp from Highway 285 to Fulton County Stadium.

Kevin Mitchell strained a muscle while vomiting.

Twins farmhand David Foster was knocked out for the season when a lightning strike through a phone line zapped him while he was making a call.

Pitcher Steve Foster injured his shoulder knocking over milk bottles during a segment with Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show."

Wade Boggs missed several games after straining his back while pulling on his cowboy boots.

Paul Molitor dislocated a knuckle when it got stuck in another player's glove.

Milwaukee's Dave Nilsson missed part of this season with Ross River Fever, a mosquito-borne virus that annually affects 200 out of Australia's 17 million residents.

Twins general manager Terry Ryan required dozens of stitches when he was scouting a game and a bat flew out of the hitter's hands, sailed through a space in the backstop and struck him in the forehead.

Pitcher Jeff Juden had a start early in the 1994 season pushed back after getting an infection from a tattoo.

Outfielder Bret Barberie missed a game when he accidentally rubbed chili juice in his eye.

Ken Griffey Jr. missed a game after his protective cup slipped and pinched a testicle.

Doc Gooden missed a start when Coleman accidentally hit him with a golf club in the Mets' clubhouse.

Mark Portugal missed a start because of food poisoning from eating bad mahi-mahi.

Pitcher Steve Sparks dislocated his shoulder while tearing a phone book in half, as he was trying to emulate a motivational speaker.

Reliever Larry Anderson strained a rib muscle getting out of a Jucuzzi.

Pitcher Ted Power pulled a hamstring jumping off the bullpen bench to join a brawl.

Kent Hrbek missed the final 10 games of the 1990 season when he sprained an ankle while wrestling with a clubhouse attendant.

Florida's Randy Veres hurt his hand pounding on a hotelroom wall trying to get the people in the next room to quiet down.

Dennis Martinez injured his arm tossing his luggage onto the team bus. He was diagnosed with Samsonitis.

Chris Brown missed a game with a strained eyelid after sleeping on an eye a funny way.

Former Seattle shortstop Rey Quinones was unavailable as a pinch-hitter because he was in the clubhouse playing Nintendo.

Terry Harper (Atlanta, OF) injured his shoulder after giving another player a high five.

Greg Harris (Texas, pitcher) injured his shoulder trying to flick sunflower seeds into the stands from the bullpen.

Baltimore's Mark Smith was hurt when he stuck his hand in an air conditioner to see why it wasn't working properly.

Glenallen Hill missed a few games after falling out of his bed while having an arachnophobic dream about spiders. He dreamt that spiders were devouring him, jumped off his bed, fell through a glass table, and crawled through the shards of glass.

Poissa Poissa

Suosikkijoukkue: Mikaela Ingberg

Vastaus #23 : 29.09.2006 klo 09:53:19

Mart Poom loukkasi genitaalialueensa Derbyn hyväntekeväisyysottelussa Iron Maidenin poppoota vastaan.

 ;D Ylos

Poissa Poissa

Vastaus #24 : 29.09.2006 klo 10:03:07

The Date Sunday December 5th 2004. Playing in the Swiss league, Servette midfielder Paulo Diogo scored against Schaffhausen, then jumped into the crowd to celebrate. On the way, he managed to catch his wedding ring on a fence and tore off the top half of his finger. He was booked for excessive celebration.

Arsenal's Perry Groves was on the bench When Arsenal went scored  he jumped up to celebrate only to hit his head on the roof of the dug-out! He knocked himself out and needed treatment from the physio.

Back in the 70s, Norwegian International defender Svein Grondalen had to withdraw from an International after an accident which happened while he was out jogging. He collided with a moose.

David Seaman once broke a bone reaching for his TV remote.

In 1970 the career of Brentford's Goalie Chic Brodie was ended by injury following a mid-match collision with a dog that had invaded the pitch.

Brazilian star Ramalho was in bed for three days after swallowing a suppository intended to treat a dental infection

Milan Rapaic once missed the start of Hajduk Split's season after sticking his boarding-pass in his eye at the airport.

Indonesian star Mistar, 25, was tragically killed by a herd of pigs that invaded his team's training pitch before a Cup fixture in 1995.

Portsmouth's Johnny "Lager" Durnin, playing a round of golf with Alan McLoughlin, crashed his buggy into a fairway hollow because he was admiring the view rather than watching the ground in front, and dislocated his elbow putting him out for 6 weeks.

In 1993 keeper Dave Beasant was kept out by a foot injury caused by a falling jar of salad cream. Yes, he fumbled it, and because his hands were full he stuck out a foot to stop it hitting the floor!

Barnsley's Darren Barnard slipped in a puddle of his new puppy's pee on the kitchen floor. The resulting knee ligament damage kept him out of action for five months.

Irish International Robbie Keane ruptured his knee cartilage in 1998 after stretching to pick up his TV remote control

Steve Morrow broke his collarbone after falling off Tony Adams while celebrating the 1993 League Cup final win

David Batty's return from an Achilles tendon injury was put back when he was run over by his toddler on a tricycle.

Allan Nielsen of Spurs missed several matches after his daughter poked him in the eye

Alan Wright, Villa's little full-back, needed treatment for a knee strain caused by stretching to reach the accelerator in his new Ferrari. 'It gave me grief,' said Wright, who swapped the car for a Rover 416.

Arsenal legend Charlie George never fully recovered from cutting off his big toe with a lawnmower.

Lee Hodges of Barnet slipped on a bar of soap in the shower, wrenching his groin

Alan Mullery missed England's 1964 tour of South America after putting his back out while brushing his teeth.

Reserve Liverpool keeper Stensgaard once injured himself in an incident with an ironing board. We don't know if he was ironing at the time.

Richard Wright, was warming up in the goalmouth in preparation for an FA Cup tie against Chelsea for his club Everton, when he twisted his ankle. He did it landing on a wooden sign instructing people not to practise there. 

Spain (and Valencia) keeper Santiago Canizares was ruled out of the 2002 World Cup finals after a bottle of aftershave dropped on his foot caused cuts and serious tendon damage.

David Beckham needed stitches above his left eye following a dressing room incident after Arsenal's 2-0 FA Cup win at Old Trafford on 15th Feb 2003. The injury was caused by his manager Sir Alex Ferguson kicking a football boot at him.

Crystal Palace keeper Alex Kolinko was hit around the head by his boss Trevor Francis in October 2002. Kolinko was on the bench, and Francis took offence when he laughed at their conceding a goal. The FA fined Francis 1000 pounds over the incident.

In 1996, Grimsby manager Brian Laws broke midfielder Ivan Bonetti's cheekbone after the Italian threw food at him in a dressing-room row. Laws escaped punishment, but they both were forced to make public apologies.

Shaun Goater injured a foot while playing for Man City against Birmingham in the autumn for 2003. The injury was sustained when he kicked an advertising hoarding in celebration of a goal by Nic Anelka. Goater had to be substituted.

Also in 2003, Villa striker Darius Vassell injured himself while attempting DIY surgery on his own foot. He had a blood blister under the toe-nail on his big toe and was using a power drill to drill through the nail and drain the wound. Drilling to drain such blisters is not an uncommon procedure, but normally it is conducted by a qualified person under sterile conditions. Vassell made it worse, picked up an infection, and had to have half the nail removed.

Stalybridge Celtic keeper Mark Statham missed a game in 1999 after trapping his head in a car door. We presume that his absence was caused by a resulting injury (rather than that he was still stuck in the car at kick-off) but we don't know what the injury was.

Halifax defender Dave Robinson put his shoulder out falling off a kid's slide

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