Väykkä palasi maanantaina Heerenveenin harjoituksiin ja polvi tuntuu hyvältä.
Paluu kentille tapahtuu varmuudella tämän vuoden puolella. Lääkärit spekuloivat comebackin olevan mahdollinen jo lokakuun alussa, mutta Väykkä itse sanoo odottavansa mieluummin hieman pidempään ja antavansa polven parantua rauhassa. Mitään riskejä ei Väyrynen halua ottaa ja arvioi, että paluu voi mennä marraskuun lopulle. Alkuperäinen ennuste oli kuitenkin vasta tammikuulla 2010.
http://www.sc-heerenveen.nl/web/show/id=42457/contentid=10564Laitetaas vielä google-käännös tähän:
Midfielder Mika Väyrynen on the road back
July 23, 2009
Mika Väyrynen made his comeback on Monday the training. The Finn was on January 31 this year, in the away against Ajax, injured his right knee. The midfielder was in March and has since operated the first phase of the rehabilitation process behind them are. Väyrynen is relieved that he is back on the training ground, but even the green grass beckons, he will still not think of a comeback. ,, I would like to play football, but nothing ga force. The knee with the first all in order.''
Mika Väyrynen, the uitduel against Ajax the victim of a tackle on Miralem SULEJMANI. Väyrynen had been within a few minutes relinquish. Initially it was thought that the knee would recover with rest, but ultimately proved to be a change inevitable.
Väyrynen was in March, in Helsinki, operated by Eero Hyvärinen, the physician of the Finnish national skiteam. Hyvärinen is internally known as a specialist in knee injuries. ,, He has treated many famous footballers. Litmanen is also operated by him,''says Mika Väyrynen.
Mika Väyrynen: "I must have patience.''Mika Väyrynen:" I must have patience.''
The first months of his rehabilitation took place in the clinic of Hyvärinen. Väyrynen deliberately opted for a recovery period in his homeland. .. It was good to take away from the club. Then you do not have the urge to quickly want. Moreover, it was fine for close family and friends are. It was the right decision to stay in Finland.''
Mika Väyrynen reported a week ago in Friesland. Monday was his first back on the training fields of sports Skoatterwâld. The first courses were good. ,, I was pretty tense. You are uncertain. Do not know how the knee will react. It was good. Today (Tuesday, red) was again a bit better than yesterday. So it should. I need step by step, and hence confidence.''
Mika Väyrynen hopes the end of this year for sc Heerenveen to play. Mika Väyrynen hopes the end of this year for sc Heerenveen to play.
Surgery to the knee was successful, so be a recent test. , The doctor was very positive,''says Väyrynen. The Finnish doctors hold not even impossible that Väyrynen early October, returning from the football. Even better, the Fin a blow to the arm. ,, That would be great, but I do not focus on one date. The knee must be completely good. I prefer to wait a month longer than a week early start. I think to themselves rather late November, early December. That is fast, because initially, the doctors in January 2010.''
Mika Väyrynen is pleased that he allowed the training, but the rehabilitation is the football head heavy. , Football is my life. I would love to play, especially through the injuries of Geert (Roorda, red) and Smara (Smarason, red) the occupation of the society is poor. I should not listen to my feelings, but wise. In the past I was too eager. I started soon after an injury that I suffer from my hamstring or had other problems. Patience is a good thing. I am 27, my best years are yet.''